Monday, September 22, 2014

Soily? Dirted? Mouse Heads? and Serving God!

Where, oh where, has this blogger gone? Where, oh where can she be? I know I haven't died. I'm not sick or depressed. I am not too busy. I haven't lost God's presence. He is still very much around here. My mind is just filled with so many un-measured, un-stirred, or half baked ideas that need to be more fully developed before I write about them that I have been silent.

Here it is, 4:30 P.M. on Monday, September 22, 2014. In an email to my Dad this morning I said I was going to get something written for my blog. So far I haven't even attempted to write. Instead, I completed my Bible study for today (Children of the Day by Beth Moore), memorized four more verses of 1 Thessalonians (I now have the first 2 chapters done), checked out yesterday's Facebook and Twitter entries, talked to my college granddaughter for half an hour, and ate all sorts of junk food. I am full of sugar, carbs, and empty calories: 2 slices of cold pepperoni pizza, 10 Ritz crackers with sliced cheddar cheese, 2 big bunches of super sweet, crunchy grapes, 1 small package of peanut M & Ms, 10 oz of cranberry juice, and, TADA, one hard boiled egg.

Now, the important things in life such as this question I pondered at the Three Course Challenge cross country meet for high school athletes in Seaside, Oregon on Saturday. It has nothing to do with running, but everything to do with running through the mud pit towards the end of each course.  If you get dirty playing in dirt, why don't you get soily when playing in garden soil? Instead, in soil you become soiled, but in dirt you never become dirted. Why, oh why? I will never know and certainly won't lose sleep over it. But from now on I will  think of my garden gloves as soily and my walking shoes as dirted.

And another question I have...what make Her Royal Blackness, Licorice Kitty, decide whether or not to eat a mouse's head? Sometimes she does; sometimes she doesn't. Is it the length of the deceased's whiskers, the beady-ness of  the eyes? The color of the incisors? I'm not losing sleep over this one either. I'm just thankful for the little gray opossum who strolls across my porch at night, triggering the motion sensor on the light, and checking for a snack. But now I wonder what in the world make a mouse head so delectable to that 'possum? Is it the...?

In case anyone was wondering why I am memorizing 1 Thessalonians, It is a challenge for our Bible study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. I took on a similar challenge when we studied James, but for some reason I am having a little more difficulty this time, at least I think I am. The problem might not be because of my aging brain, but instead, due to different writing styles. James' writing is simpler than Paul's. Paul's sentences get quit long, full of phrases and comments. But, if I can continue learning a chapter a week (3-4 verses a day), I can complete the two books by the end of the course.

Come on brain of mine. we an do this.

In closing, I will leave this with you, God is amazing. He thrills me every day with the patterns of sun and shadow on my garage and yard. He brings gasps of awe at his sun rises and sunsets. He continually prompts me to move beyond my comfort zones, and inspires me to believe his promises to me, about me, and for me. What an incomprehensible God we serve.

Paul told the church of the Thessalonians, "...In spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message to you with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so became a model to all believers in Macedonia and Achaia. The Lord's message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia--your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us, They tell how you turned from idols to serve the true and living God, and wait for his son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath." .  1 Thess. 1:6b-10 NIV

It is my prayer that the word of God working in me/you/our churches rings out loudly and clearly as it tell of our faith and our service to the true and living God. Through our words and our lives, may we be models of the Lord everywhere.

Have a God night, ya'll

Jan and Licorice Kitty, who is curled up between my thigh and chair arm, purring herself to sleep.

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