Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Whirlwind Blessing

I love whirlwinds, as in dust devils but not tornadoes. As a child, when I spotted a whirling, dust-filled column of wind ahead of me, I would either run or ride my bike right into the midst of it.  The challenges were staying in the middle, watching for cars and spinning tumbleweeds while keeping my eyes closed really, really tightly, and holding my breath.  I got pretty good all three.

Why don't I see many such things around here?  Probably because there either isn't enough hot air to start the swirl or there isn't much dry dirt to get caught in the upward air currents if they do appear.  What ever the reason, I have to go east of the mountains to see any dust devils.  The problem is I no longer ride a bike, so the thrill of riding in the dusty whirl is gone.  I also don't run very fast any more either (actually I never ran very fast to start with). I guess that leaves another kind of whirlwind to enjoy--busy weekends.

That describes last weekend--a whirlwind. My son and daughter-in-law came down, tackled the garage power washing-priming-painting project, and won!  My son-in-law's lift-truck was a much needed bonus. The end result is an awesome garage. It looks beautiful. I am so blessed.

My end of the deal? Supply the paint and primer (they brought the supplies), prepare the meals, offer bottles of water, and ooh and aah over the progress.  It worked well. Oh yes, I supplied the garage too.

Unlike running in whirlwinds, I didn't have to keep my eyes tightly closed for this project.  I watched every step in progress. I didn't want to miss out on anything.  I tried to stay in the middle, so to speak. I did have to hold my breath a few times though, not to keep the dirt out of my airways, but to calm myself as I watched my kids on the top of ladders or lying on the roof to prime the trim on the eaves.

Thankfully there were no major mishaps or injuries.  I'm sure there were sore arms and wrists, feet and legs.  I saw lots of paint smeared clothes and spattered limbs. I was blessed by tired kids who didn't complain or gripe, but who worked tirelessly until they were finished.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the whirlwind weekend of blessing.

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.
Psalm 127:1

I see my home and land as a gift from God.  I am its steward, although I can't do all the work alone. That is why I love Psalm 127:1.  I know it was written about the temple in Jerusalem, but please grant me the freedom to paraphrase it.  This is how it speaks to me.

Because this is the Lord's house, those who paint and labor will be blessed.
Because the Lord watches over this acreage and its inhabitants, I am blessed.

I will add, "Because my family and I are blessed, may we glorify the Lord."

Have a God day.  I plan to.

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