Friday, October 19, 2012

Freed to Sit Up

I am so excited.  I feel like I've been released from prison even though I still have shackles around my leg. My doctor has granted permission for me to sit in my recliner with my foot propped up as long as it doesn't throb (my foot, not the recliner). If it does throb, I have to give up my throne and accept a bed, couch, floor, or anywhere else I can become prone with my foot higher than my head.

The shackles that remain are the orders to stay off it except to use the bathroom and grab something to eat, wear the five ton boot on my foot all the time, and seek transportation for my twice/week doctor appointments. But that is OK.  At least I can sit up now.

Of course I am taking full advantage of this window of opportunity. My book is awaiting my attention. My puzzle books are anticipating being opened once more. My water bottle is full. My feet are up. My oatmeal bowl is empty.  But, after being down flat for three weeks and up for 75 minutes, I'm ready to lay myself down again. I just can't handle so much excitement all at the same time.

This whole experience has been a reminder of something I have known and sworn by for years.  No surgery is really minor or without risks.  Any invasion into our magnificently created bodies is major, carrying unknown dangers. Before surgery, I anticipated a couple weeks of limited activity before getting back into the full swing of things. That is not the case.  I don't know how long it will take for my incision to heal, but my doctor said we will be seeing a lot of each other.

It's a good thing I like this podiatrist. He explains what is going on, the good and the bad, answers my questions completely, and even suggested I buy stock in gauze pads, Steristrips, and ace bandages. Funny guy.

I guess I will get vertical for a while. My foot isn't throbbing, but my sitter is getting tired of being sat on.

Have a God day.

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