Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Motionless Puddle Noon-day.

I have a new way for telling what the weather is at any moment. It is all about shadows and brightness and sky color and puddle conditions. Right now it is medium gray overhead, some brightness in places, no shadows, and motionless puddles. An hour ago it was dark gray skies, no brightness anywhere, no shadows, and bouncing puddles. Yesterday we had blue skies, lots of brightness, shadows on buildings and the ground, and no puddles anywhere. I can hardly wait to see what this afternoon brings because I am going to get my hair cut and styled. Finally.

A new "do" means that by 1:30 I will be a new woman. How long that will last is the question. By then the sky should be so gray it looks black., brightness will be a forgotten term, so will shadows, and puddles will be deep ponds alive with Foot Monsters ready go attack whatever runs by.

Oh, an umbrella you say. Those are for tourists. Instead, I'll wear my grand-kids's school hoodie (go Cats) and hurry back home for a track meet. Then, during periods of drizzle followed by showers, followed by downpours, I will watch from wind gusted bleachers as my grand-kids and their peers get soaked. It will be a black, dark, shadowless, puddle bouncing meet, but it will be fun.

For some reason the kids love running in the rain. It it probably pure defiance to their mom's words, "What in the world do you think you are doing out there in the rain. Get inside right now. Do you want to catch your death of pneumonia! And don't get your feet wet!"

It might be a miserable day weather-wise, but as I tweeted this morning, My favorite days begin with Ms, Ts, Ws, Fs, Ss, and Jesus.

How do your favorite days begin?

Off I go in a gray, shadowless, somewhat bright, motionless puddle noon-day.


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