Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Climbing the Wall

Where in the world did the expression, "Climbing the wall" come from? I just spent half an hour trying to find out, but found myself up a creek without a paddle, and in the dark about its origin.

I did find out the definition of the term, although frustrated or anxious doesn't quite describe why I am climbing the walls. I itch!! Yes, you read it right. I itch. I have an itching rash from the top of my head to my neck all because I forgot my summertime no-no. Sunshine.

I thought I was being careful during our three days of sunshine. I wore long sleeved shirts, gloves, and a baseball cap when I mowed the yard and field last week. I wore 3/4 length sleeves and a cap while at a track meet, but I guess my face and neck still got enough sun to trigger the photo-reaction--all because of a medication I take. So, I am climbing the walls trying to keep from scratching my face and neck.

According to the pharmacist, the only remedy, although temporary, is using a cortisone cream and drinking lots of liquids. Antihistamines won't help. Oh well, maybe next time the sun is shining I will remember not to mow in the middle of the day. I will mow in the evening and hope my neighbor doesn't climb a wall and come after me. (that is a joke, I think)

So much for my wall climbing. Now for Licorice Kitty's wall climbing. This weekend, as I was sitting in the sun room and enjoying the view and smell of my newly mowed lawn, I heard her meow. There she was, half way up the chimney just outside the window and looking in at me. Well, that is one way to let me know she wants in the house. It worked. So I guess you can say we were both climbing the walls. Me, from my unending itch, and she from her frustration of not getting the house when she wanted to.

Now that I have unloaded my complaint for today, I have an idea about that expression's true meaning. It is not about being merely frustrated or anxious, but rather being frustrated and anxious to the point of doing anything to escape from the situation, even if it means climbing over the walls that surround me.

"Help! I want out of here!" I say.

"Meow, I want in there!" Licorice says.

So much for climbing walls. I need to leave for town in fifteen minutes. If I don't get my rear in gear, I will be in a pickle, whatever than means.

Off I go. Oh drat, the sun is shining. Yea, there are clouds in the sky.

God day to all,

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