Monday, May 5, 2014

Default Mode

Strong-willed modem!! It must not have liked my password, so decided to revert to its original default password, whatever that was. As a result, I have had no internet access for a week. The first couple days I thought my computer might have picked up a bug and was very ill. Maybe it needed to visit the emergency room again. Instead I took it to my son's house for my own form of triage. I needed to see if it could connect to the internet over there. Yep, it did. Hooray, my computer wasn't ill after all. What could the problem be?

This morning I finally called my internet provider (I don't like making calls to deal with these kind of problems), After getting a friendly recording, I pushed 1, pushed 1 again, pushed 10, entered my account number, listened to music, and finally talked with the techie. After explaining my situation, I went through a series of drop-down menus, as directed, making the required left and right clicks, then entered my password. No luck. The internet was still not available to my computer. Finally the tech said I needed to connect with an ether-net cable so he could see what was going on inside the modem. Well, that all sounded just fine, but I wasn't sure where my cable was. Besides, I had a meeting to go to in half an hour. I told him I would call back later in the day after the misplaced had been relocated. Of course, I found it right after I had hung up. It was nicely coiled up on the floor next to the phone jack.

When I called back this afternoon, I got a different tech who read over the notes on my problem, but had a different approach which worked. I now have a new password. I liked my old one better, but this one will do. At least the modem is no longer in control.

And that brings me to my post for today. DEFAULT settings. My default settings are for selfishness, jealousy, hatred, pride, lust, gluttony, and the list goes on. Those are the models that the world holds out as the way we are and the way we live.

Sorry, world, but I have a new owner now, one who paid a great price for me. All those default settings are being changed. Some changed instantaneously. Others are changing bit by bit, but they are changing. I am becoming what my new Master desires me to be--generous, forgiving, loving, self-controlled, thankful... But there are times that my thoughts, like my modem, slip back into default mode.

I'm thankful my Holy Spirit tech support is within me, cluing me in on potential problems, warning me of threats to my systems, and showing me how to overcome DEFAULT when it is gaining control.

By the way, my old password for my computer modem was the same one I use for my heart modem. "God leads."

That's it for today.
The arty shadows on my garage mean only one thing. The sun is shining.


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