Thursday, October 30, 2014

How Much, and What is All?

How Much is All? 

Around and around the questions go. It has been five days since the triggering comment was made. I don't even remember what was said, but the context was that all I have comes from God. Besides that, all that I am is because of him. He is all I need. That started my thinking, "How much, and what is ALL?"

I can look around my home and see the sofas, the carpets, the books, and the cupcake papers left from a couple mini cupcakes I just ate.. I can look around my yard and see the too-long grass, the shedding trees, the puddles of rain water, and the starlings looking for buried larva in the lawn. I can see it all, but I really don't see much of anything. I don't see parrots or flamingos, lightning bugs or dung beetles, rabbit brush or cacti. And the microscopic.......?  

 I don't see or even think about the millions of molecules and atoms my body works over each day just to keep me alive, Then there is  gravity and radiation, light waves and sound, heat and cold. Because my mind and understanding is so limited, as is all of mankind's, I know only what I know through my own experience, or by what I have read or seen about other peoples research and discovery. But ALL? I have no clue about the vastness of God's wondrous work. After all, astronomers can see no farther than the limits of their space telescopes. Oceanographers can explore no deeper than their fragile mini-subs can safely dive. Every advance in medical understanding is a mere baby-step into understanding this being called a human.

All that I have--what is all?

All that I am is too complex to even to consider. My body with its inner workings, my physical identity wrapped up in height, weight, eye color, and facial features, my DNA that decides how every cell in my body works, my mind that has continued being shaped from the time God planted my knowledge of him into me at conception--this is all me. There are spiritual gifts, talents, things I love, things I dislike, things I keep discovering about myself. But what is all and how much is it ? Only God knows.

Finally, God is all I need. That is true, but again, I can't really comprehend this concept because I usually have no idea that I really might have needs. At times I am aware of  needs I can't even pin a name on, but God knows what they are and remedies the situations before I can even pray about them. Of course there are the situations in which I have no choice but to turn to the one who gives me strength, wisdom, and provision. As for all?  I know I have had needs that God took care of before I ever understood I had the need.

I am so thankful that God's ALL is so much bigger than my all.

Oh, the marvel of ALL.



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