Monday, April 16, 2012

A Party in my Heart

My daughter was busy doing laundry. Meanwhile, sitting on the back of the couch  looking out the window at the green fields and grazing cows below was her eldest daughter who was four years old.  On a trip through the living room with a load of dirty clothes my daughter asked, "Are you watching the cows?"

    "No,"  was the reply.  "I'm just thinking about God."
    "And what are you thinking about God?' was my daughter's obvious question.
    "I'm thinking that he just made everything." was the child's unexpected reply.

Sometime later my daughter made another pass through the living room where her daughter remained sitting and staring. "Are you still thinking about God?"
    "No, I'm thinking about Jesus now."
    "And what are you thinking about Jesus?"
    "He just loves everybody."

On her third pass through the living room my daughter asked another obvious question, "Are you thinking about the Holy Spirit now?"
To this inquiry, the answered came with a puzzled look, "No, I don't know about him yet."

Now, fast forward a few years.  Number 1 daughter is around seven and her little sister is around five.  They are strapped into their car seats on their way into town.  Mom is driving, rain is pouring, windshield wipers are swishing, tires are throwing water everywhere, and music of Michael W. Smith is filling the car. After hearing the lyrics, "open the flood gates of heaven" several times, the younger daughter pipes up with this wonderful question.  "Mom, why do we want God to open the flood gates?  Don't we have enough rain already?"

With a smile on her face, my daughter replies something like this, " God pours out his Spirit on us and  floods us with his love.  Sometimes we can feel it when we pray, when we sing praise songs, or even when we just think about him.  We love it when he pours his Spirit our."
This is where the elder girl  throws in her two-cents-worth.  "Yup, it feels like there's a party in your heart!"
That is how I pray my day will be.  The rain is coming down, again or is it still?  I've finished my breakfast of toast and peanut butter. My laundry is in the dryer. It's now time to get out my Bible study, put on the music, and have a Holy Spirit Party in my heart.

Come join me.

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