Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why God Created Dinosaurs

Have you ever wondered why God created dinosaurs? Well, whether you have or haven't, you are about to find out just like I did, through the words of my grandson. This kid is a talker.  In fact, he carried on lengthy conversations before he could even talk.  There was a recognizable word every few sentences, but his facial expressions told the whole story.

He was probably around kindergarten age when he asked me the question, "Do you know why God created dinosaurs, Nana?"  I thought about making up some fantastic story, but decided it would be more fun to find out if he had an answer.  He did.

"Well," he began as he walked around my chair, "after God created the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon and the stars, and the..."  Now he was pacing back and forth in front of me with a deep-in-thought look on his face as he continued his list of everything God created. "...cows and the horses, and the birds, and the fish, and all the plants, and all the trees."  He finally stopped to take a deep breath, looked at me instead of the floor, and continued his narration.  "When God got ready to make Adam and Eve, the earth was all filled up with trees and plants and animals. There was no place for houses," At this point he threw his hands into the air and continued, "so God created dinosaurs to smash down the trees and gobble up the plants.  That's why!"

"Wow!" I exclaimed.  "I never knew that.  Thanks for telling me.  Was your story learned in Sunday school?"

"Nope, I figured it out all by myself." The look on his face was priceless. He was so proud of himself.

I have to smile every time I remember my pacing grandson and his wonderful logic.  He took what he didn't understand, added it to what little he did know, and created something that made sense to him. I don't know about you, but I do the same thing.  There is so much I cannot even begin to fathom about the things of God. How can I really picture the glories of heaven when my finite eyes can see only a small spectrum of colors?  How can I imagine the magnitude of heavenly choirs when my finite ears hear only a small range of sound waves?  How can I understand his forgiveness when it is so hard for me to forgive even myself, not to mention others? How can I picture?  How can I imagine? How can I understand?

Here's how. I take what I know, add in what I have experienced, place them into a finite box in a corner of my mind, then try to cram my infinite God into it.  It doesn't work very well.  I'm sure that when God looks at me and my box of understanding he smiles and thinks, "I see you  have me all figured out, or so you think. Oh, my child, do I have surprises waiting for you."

Have a God day.

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