Sunday, April 15, 2012

Why Blog?

"Why am I blogging?" is the question I am asking myself right now. There are several reasons. Here's reason number one. For years I have written devotional material for both my personal use when speaking to groups, and occasionally for my church newsletter.  During this time, friends and family have encouraged me to publish what I have written. I have questioned their sanity.

Reason number two is this, I have been in therapy for a couple years now.  As a result, I have been encouraged to journal about my feelings and blah, blah, blah. Being a person who tends to spend most of my time in my head instead of my heart, feelings are heard to not only express, but also to even recognize. Some of my thoughts were written at my therapist's request. Some thoughts were written just because I wanted to write them.  Occasionally I would share a writing or two with my family because they enjoyed reading where my mind was and what I was going through. This has become part of the family's ongoing healing process and dialogue. I am often surprised that they are touched emotionally by what they read.  During Easter  weekend my oldest son Mark made this suggestion.  "Mom, why don't you start a blog?  That way you don't have to deal with sending emails.  Besides, others can be blessed too--not just your family."

Reason number three?  As a Christian I want to proclaim God's faithfulness and love.  My family and I have been on a journey none of us ever thought we would take. It certainly is a journey none of us would have volunteered for.  Four years ago we discovered that my husband of forty-plus years was molesting a couple granddaughters.  The night he admitted what he had done I couldn't sleep, so I started writing out of my confusion, disbelief, and restlessness.  I entitled what I had written, "Along Came Hell."  That is exactly what I felt.  My nostrils were filled with the stench of sulfur and my eyes streamed hot tears.  As that first night turned into days, weeks, months, and now years I have been amazed by the way God has been in this whole situation. I want the world to know God is faithful, and he loves you and me.

I have been supported and ministered to by songs, sermons, and scriptures.  I have been enfolded by the arms of family, friends, and a fellowship of believers. From Sunday morning worship to Wednesday morning Bible studies I have heard words of hope and healing. Has it been easy?  No. Is it over?  No.  Has it been worth it?  I am getting to the point I can say "Yes".

Like many Christians, I loved going to church and singing the hymns about Jesus: the babe in the manger, the shepherd, the king, the crucified and resurrected one.  But, sadly to say, like many Christians, I sang nice songs, pretty songs, and inspiring songs without ever understanding fully their meaning.  I heard great sermons that made my heart soar and others that brought conviction.  I even taught Bible classes. But I had seldom experienced personally the depths of God's love for me. I want the world to know of God's love and faithfulness.

So there you have it, the reason I'm starting this blog. This is not about me, my husband, or my family.  Yes you will hear our family story.  That is not all you'll hear.  You will hear history, his-story, God's story as he works in, with, through, and for me, my family, my friends, and now you, my readers.

May all your days be more that good days.  May they be God days.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing."  James 1:2-4

1 comment:

  1. So cool that you are starting a blog! I look forward to hearing of the amazing ways God heals and restores... and totally BLESSES your family as you turn to Him with your needs. God is so GOOD and I love how He can bring good out of the unimaginable! Sending love your way!
