Friday, January 4, 2013

Crazy Day

What a crazy day! I don't mean crazy as in a billion things happening all at once or even over a period of several hours. I mean crazy as in it is 9 p.m. already and I am still in my pajamas and slippers!!  I got up at my normal time (whenever I wake up and feel like getting out of bed). Today, that was 8 a.m.

I shuffled into the kitchen, cooked up a few diced red peppers and added them to the omelet sizzling on the stove while my oatmeal with craisins cooked on the back burner. I stirred a handful of walnuts into the finished cereal, poured a cup of coffee with hazelnut creamer, and enjoyed a wonderful breakfast.

After washing up my dishes, I put 17 potatoes in the oven to bake. That way they don't start growing legs and walking out of the cupboard. While they baked, I did the Sunday crossword puzzle and a Sudoku. After the timer dinged, I diced up the potatoes, put them in baggies, and froze them. It was now around 10 a.m. True, I hadn't gotten dressed yet, but my bed was made, dishes done, and I was off to a great start.

I then dragged out the box my Christmas tree goes into and placed it in the middle of the living room. Wanting a piece of gum, I went into the bedroom to retrieve one, then decided to file the paper work from the past couple months that was piled on my dresser. I need to start getting my income tax info together--medical expenses, mileage, property taxes, prescriptions, stuff like that. So as I started filing, sorting, organizing, creating a spreadsheet, and entering data, I found myself with stacks of receipts and statements on the couch in front of me, on the end table next to me, and on the floor under my feet. If that weren't enough, I was getting hungry.

I finally looked up at the clock which was behind the Christmas tree that should have been in the box. Three o'clock!! You've got to be kidding me. The clock's energizer bunny must have died. So, I dragged myself out of my chair, climbed over my piles of papers, circumnavigated the big, empty, Christmas tree box, and headed to the kitchen to see what time it really was. The clock on the stove said, 2:59. I was stunned. No wonder I was hungry.

After heating up some leftover turkey soup for lunch, I once again circumnavigated the tree box, climbed over the piles of papers, settled into my chair, and resumed my project. By 6:00, I was pretty much done with data digging. Now I just have to wait for the official tax papers to come in. I'm hoping I don't have to pay anything this year.

There is just one problem now. I am again sitting in my chair, still surrounded by my stacks of papers, still having to circumnavigate the big, brown box if I need anything, but now I have dirty dishes from lunch and dinner in my kitchen sink.

Oh well, there is always tomorrow. At least I don't have to put my pajamas on tonight.

This has been a crazy-but-good day. Have a nice evening, all.


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