Sunday, January 20, 2013

I'm Hibernating

I'm hibernating! That is the conclusion I came to Friday afternoon. Hibernation is not something I am going to do. It is my present state of being. At first, I thought I might be getting depressed again. I really don't think that is the case. I think that my body, which doesn't see any light until 7 a.m. and is then plunged into darkness by 5:30 p.m, is in a human state of hibernation.

This is what it looks like. Imagine me as a bear. On second thought, I think I would prefer to be a squirrel. They are cuter and smell sweeter. As a squirrel, I rouse from my slumber (No, wait. Bears slumber-squirrels sleep). I rouse from my sleep, force my eyes open, and squint into the dim light. I slowly get out of my warm, comfortable bed, maneuver  into my fuzzy robe and slippers, and drag myself into the living room. Once I can focus my eyes clearly, I head to the kitchen for FOOD. Give me carbs--toast and peanut butter, oatmeal and walnuts, potatoes and eggs. Oooops, eggs aren't carbs. Oh well, I'll take eggs anyway.

My desire for carbs usually starts in the fall. For that reason alone, hibernation makes sense to me. I am fattening myself up for the long, cold winter ahead. I succeeded quite well this year. While my desire for breads and other starches is still strong, it has tapered off and my body is beginning to use up some of the excess I have stored on various body parts. Can you say "waist and hips"?

This not-so-little,sleepy, hibernation prone squirrel (me) does not want to leave her warm nest once her tummy is full. I don't want to turn on any lights, answer ringing phones, or go anywhere. Just let me enjoy the warmth, peace, dimness, and quiet of my home.

Of course that is not the way the world operates, so lights do come on and stay on for the entire day. The phone rings and I answer it if it is family or friends, but don't expect any long conversations. As for getting out, nothing is important enough to go to town for except FOOD.

So, in my self-diagnosed hibernating state, I am staying warm, eating well, sleeping long, and still tidying the place up. I've done some deep cleaning in my kitchen, washed a living room window, begun cleaning out the office, and thought about my projects for the upcoming retreat.

Even though it is still January, I think spring is coming before too long because I did venture out of my den yesterday to have lunch with a friend. On the way home I stopped at the mall and found myself some great deals. I loved using a gift card I got for Christmas. Today a friend stopped by for a spot of tea and conversation. She, too, has been hibernating the past months.

Life is good. I feel good. I feel rested. I think I will be ready for spring when it arrives.

Excuse me now, I have to go curl up with a good book, eat my freshly popped popcorn, and then maybe take a little nap.

Lovin' my quiet winter.


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