Monday, January 14, 2013

Deadly Bait

Hunting update

I survived my hunting expedition to the grocery stores last week. I avoided freezer burn, hypothermia, heavy mists, errant carts, and charging autos. Thankfully I captured everything I was stalking, including a can of jalapeno peppers. After getting home, I discovered I had been duped by those tricky jalapenos.They were really serranos. From now on I will be much more careful when nabbing the hot stuff.

Sadly, I fought one losing battle. It was with the Reeses Peanut Butter cups. They knew what kind of lure to use--2/$1.00. I saw the sign, paused, and thought a minute. That was my big mistake, stopping. Either they are very strong, or I am quite weak because the battle didn't last long. I did fight a little bit though. I got only two packages instead of four. I tried to claim that loss as a victory, although a small one. Admittedly, the loss/victory was later greatly enjoyed.

As for my ultimate victory, I spent $65 and saved $23. Not bad for an hour's work. I love a good deal--even those on special treats.

As I was writing about lures, I was reminded of the following true story:

Satan's Bait

My husband and I had been involved in our church's prison ministry only a few weeks when my small group of guys was discussing how scary it is when released from prison. One gentleman whose release was imminent said something that has really stuck with me. "Satan knows what pond I swim in and what kind of bait I will take. So I have to find a different pond to swim in and learn what kinds of bait are deadly. That won't be easy."

His comment is so true for me. I know I have ponds I enjoy swimming in.The waters look beautiful, but are dangerous because some bait there readily attracts, is easy to grasp, tastes good, but it does not nourish. When I take the wrong bait, it eats away at my desires and intentions. My ponds don't necessarily need to be abandoned. There are plenty of wonderful things to partake of there. I merely need to recognize and avoid the wrong bait. 

Take today for example. I slept in until 9, ate breakfast, put my dirty dishes in the sink with yesterday's dishes, got the mail, and logged onto my laptop. That is the bait I have to be wary of--the laptop. There is nothing wrong with getting on my computer, checking the weather, facebook, email, and Bibi Bird. It is the games that drag me under.

I started playing Fishdom 3 during Christmas. It is a Match 3 game where I use the "coins" I win to create aquariums. I can buy 8 different backgrounds, add numerous themed decorations, plant algae and coral, and  introduce myriad colorful fish to my creations. The fish (I can chose male or female) can be named whatever I desire. Every morning algae has to be cleaned off the tank and the fish fed. The same care is needed in the evening. Alas, I now have 8 aquariums and over 90 fish--including 3 turtles. It is a fantastic time waster because as I clean each aquarium and feed its fish, I also play a Match 3 game. Sometimes that takes 1 1/2 hours to play 9 of them. Truth be known, I don't have to play at all, but I take the bait that does not nourish, waste unnecessary time, and find myself sitting here at 1:30 p.m. having done nothing at all today.

I take that back. I have written this post. 

So, now that my aquarium's are cleaned, fish fed, blog post written, and sense of guilt heightened, I will wash up my dishes, start a load of laundry, vacuum (maybe) and start organizing whatever it is I am taking to a Scrapbooking Retreat that's coming up sometime in the next months. Oh yes, I probably should get out of my bathrobe first, but I don't know why. I'm not going anywhere today. I also need to eat lunch.

I really want to check the aquariums before getting to work. The fish might be hungry, but I know they will be alright until tonight. That is what is so crazy about this particular game-bait. I think of these animated fish as living things. In fact, all the fish in my farm tank are named after my grand-kids. I can't let them go hungry can I? Oh well, they won't starve to death since they aren't really living creatures, just cute animated ones.

Lord, help me say no to deadly bait.

Have a God day, everyone,


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