Thursday, January 10, 2013

Off On A Hunt

I'm off to buy groceries this morning. This is the first time since the holidays. I have been using up all sorts of treasures from my freezer: turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans from my son's garden, pizza, strawberries, meatloaf. It's has been great, but the freezer is still quite full. I'll be working on if for the rest of the month.

In my fridge I am down to: one egg, cheddar cheese, bread, a dab of Greek yogurt, a bunch of condiments including salad dressings that are way past the "use by" date, and shelves that need to be washed.

I have no problem eating some foods a couple months past the pull date, but a year is a little much. I will not  buy more dressings though because it is easier to make my own. That way I can control the the quality of ingredients to some extent, and the quantity. They also taste better.

So, what will I buy? I will get mainly perishables: milk, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, and Greek yogurt while it is still on sale. I will also buy ingredients for a Mexican dish my mother liked to make. I would let you know what it is, but I don't know how to spell it correctly. It is a sort of casserole with canned green chilies, Jack and Cheddar cheeses, eggs, and tomato sauce. I remember it as being quite good.

One thing I have discovered is my tastes have changed over the years. What I thought was delicious when I was younger is not as good now. What I eat now, I wouldn't touch years ago. Whether the change is physical, psychological, or in the ingredients themselves, I don't know, but there has been a change. I guess I said all that to say I sure hope this once-favorite dish is still as good as I remember.

I think I am ready to move my body from this booth now. I have finished my Sausage McMuffin with egg (no cheese), coffee (2 creams and 4 sugars), made my grocery list, written this post for the blog, watched my fellow diners consume their breakfasts and drink their coffees, and listened to the conversation of regulars next to me discuss MP3 players, stereo receivers, local radio celebrities, stamp collecting, history of paper money, and the best logging roads to navigate to various towns in the area.

So, here I go on my shopping expedition. I anxiously await the moment I grab my cart, remove the invisible, potentially deadly creatures hiding on its handle, and venture into the interior. I'll shoot through foreboding, towering aisles while avoiding eye contact with tempting boxes that catch my attention with their flash of color. I'll plug my ears as they call my name. I will reach my hand into piles of foreign botanical growth while avoiding the periodic downpours trying too drown me. With fear and trepidation I'll reach into frigid caves searching for the perfectly dated container while avoiding frost bite. Finally, I'll stand in lines with other triumphant hunters who are also exiting the jungle. When my captured prey is finally checked and inspected by authorities, I will dig deep into the recesses of my pockets, reluctantly drag out my twenties, smile, and hand them over. The price for victory can be great. If this safari isn't too expensive, I may venture forth again in a few weeks. There will always new challenges to face, fears to overcome, and successes to experience. I'll be ready.

Have a God day everyone. I sure plan to.


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