Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Default Mode

When we buy a computer, it usually comes ready for action because the developers want to make life simple for us. Its word processing program comes installed with the margins and page size already set. Even a font type and size has been chosen. We need only start typing. The predetermined default mode does everything else.

As for the rest of the computer, that is also set to a default mode. The screen brightness, the mouse speed, the file folders for certain documents, privacy settings--everything is preset. If there is anything we want done differently, we have to intentionally make the changes.

There are online helps to figure this stuff out if we don't have a clue what we are doing, or if you are like me, you seldom get out of default mode except to occasionally change the font.

Even Blogspot comes preset. I am using the default font and don't even know what it is called. Out of five font sizes, I am using the preset normal size, and the normal formatting mode. If I want changes, I have to make them.

So, I desire to make a change. This is Georgia, Large, Minor Heading, Bold. 

Where am I going with this, you ask. Well, it seems that we too, like my laptop, came with a default mode. We came set with selfishness, laziness, envy, jealousy, hatred, strife, self-centeredness, dishonesty, immorality, etc., etc., etc. This is the way we were when we were purchased by the Lord.

And he desires to change us.  He has plans for each and every one, special plans, each one different from the other. He wants our default setting gone; however, he doesn't force the changes on us. He gives us the manual instead, and says, "Here is the WORD." I am here to help you understand it. I will supply whatever power you need to get rid of your default settings and set my customized ones, but the actual work is up to you. Together, we will make a difference.

So the work begins. Little by little, step by step the changes come. Hatred slowly becomes love. Envy becomes contentment, A self-centered person becomes a servant. Addictions are overcome, and anxieties are replaced with peace. These are obvious changes, but there are certain default modes we either ignore or easily slip back into because they aren't that bad. For me, it is wasting time sitting in my chair, and staring at a bright electronic display. After checking Facebook and Twitter, e-mail and a daily jigsaw puzzle, I have spent at least one to two hours I could have been working in the yard or volunteering someplace.

The TV shows I watch on HULU at night, I consider entertainment. I don't watch shows containing profanity, nudity, sex or immoral behavior. Instead I watch the good shows that have murders, bombings, armed robberies, and such. Since the good guys always win, these programs fall into the "aren't that bad" category. Not bad compared to what? The world's book or the Lord's book.

I am not saying television  and social media are all bad. I am merely asking myself if I have slipped completely into default mode where I am doing what I want to do instead of being in the setting the Lord has for me at that particular time--doing what he has for me to do. So, tonight instead of watching Single Handed, a detective show set in Ireland, I am making myself write this post that arose from a discussion at my prayer group this morning. The easy thing for me to do is watch the show and put writing off until tomorrow. Then, when tomorrow rolls around and I finally set my mind to it, I will have forgotten what I was going to write. I know because it has happened before.

Lord, in all I do, let me make sure I haven't changed any of your settings back to my old default mode.


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