Monday, August 25, 2014

Sweetness that Heals

Yesterday I kept thinking about a line from a Mercy Me worship song we had sung in church, "Thy name is like honey on my lips." Sweetness and honey are used over and over throughout scripture in relationship to the Lord, his word, wisdom, nourishment (manna), etc. I could spend days studying the various references and how they relate both to the Lord and to my life. But for today, I want to share what was stirred within me during worship.

Following surgery on my foot almost two years ago, the long incision didn't want to heal. A staph infection had decided to hinder the process. As expected, antibiotics were called into the battle, but so was honey. The sweet medicinal ointment fought the staph from the surface while antibiotics fought from inside. The battle was long and hard fought, but ultimately won. I healed.

I don't understand the chemistry of the sugars in honey or how they react to outside things. I don't understand the scientific data about its molecular structure, but honey is a proven healing agent. In the same way, I don't understand the workings of the Lord. I don't understand the power of his word. I don't understand how something can be both sweet and sharper than a two edged sword. I don't, and never will, understand. But I know.

I know the Lord works because I have been on the receiving end. I know there is power in his word because it has brought about change in my life. I have experienced both the sweetness and the sharpness of his word. And, I know that like the medicinal honey used on my foot, the sweetness of his word and its nourishment has brought healing to a broken heart and repair to a shattered soul.

I don't think I will ever again read scriptures or sing praises about the sweetness of honey without knowing that with its sweetness comes healing.

May your day be sweetened with his honey.

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