Thursday, December 19, 2013

No Need to Stress Out

Make this quick. That is what I am telling myself as I start writing. It is 8:30 am. I have to be at the school to help in my daughter's classroom (she's the teacher, not the student) by noon. That means that I have from now until 11:30, and from 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm, when I head out for basketball game,  to get my kitchen cleaned and living room back in order.

The tree is up. Hooray, but not decorated. That is why assorted containers clutter the place. They are all neatly packed with decorating stuff.

The nativity scene rests on the window seat my the fireplace, and my my little lighted village spreads across a buffet. Neither will be lighted until I find my extension cords. Where, oh where are they? probably in the same tub most of the Christmas tree lights are in--a tub that is behind and under everything else in the storage room.

The Christmas stockings are hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that...

And, my usual bric-a-brac still decorates many of the flat surfaces in the room. Those have to be replaced by candles, shiny balls, Christmas this, and Christmas that. Once all that is done, I just have to vacuum, fix my hair, change my clothes and dash away, dash away, off to the school. On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen...

What about tomorrow? I don't know. That was supposed to be the day I put the finishing touches on everything, but that is up in the air now. I just found out my husband is being transferred to another prison. The prison system doesn't let the exact day of transfer be known, even to the offender. If I wait until Monday to visit, he may be gone already. I feel like I have to go tomorrow, but he may already be gone by then. I'll just have to wait and call tomorrow. They should tell me if he is still there.

It is good that he is transferring out because it means he will now be in a treatment program. The bad part is having to leave his prayer partners, a cell-mate he likes, a job he enjoys, and a Bible study group and Sunday service that are really ministering to him.

In the midst of all these changes, one this is certain, God in on patrol and in control. He knows what he is doing. I will complete what I can complete today instead of stewing about tomorrow. The details aren't mine to know. One moment at a time is what I must do, and let God work on the rest.

What a silly statement that last one was, "Let God work on the rest." He has worked on everything already. It is ready to go.

So, Lord, it is now 9:00 am. A busy few days face me, but you have everything planned out the way you want them. Please don't let me complicate things. I just want to enjoy all the company that is coming for the weekend. I want to enjoy our progressive dinner and gift exchanges. I want to enjoy the laughter and games (card as well as basketball). I want to celebrate the birth of your son.

Come, Lord Jesus. Come, family. Come peace and joy.

Jan and Licorice (she's sleeping on the card table where I dropped my coat after the band concert last night)

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