Friday, December 6, 2013

Winter Looks Like...

What does winter look like? It looks exactly like my backyard .

Long uncut grass pokes its blades through the skiff of pure snow.
Curled, brown, dried leaves also poke through--beautifully decorated with frost.
A few lonely leaves still cling to the hazelnut tree.
They dare an icy wind to blow them off--a wind yet un-felt.
Tree branches reach in all directions searching for relief from their cold, snowy blanket.
But the sun brings no warmth.
There is only cold, peaceful, silent death.

Winter may look like death, but isn't.

It's nature's rest from busyness,
silence from a noisy world,
and strengthening for spring.

It's my warm evening fires,
mugs of hot cocoa,
and good books.

It's Christmas time
With Hark the Herald Angels Sing,
And the Christ child's birth.

That is what winter looks like.

Enjoying all of it,

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