Thursday, December 12, 2013

Preparing to Prepare for Christmas

After I took Licorice to the vet's this morning, I went to a local big-box store for litter and a special kitty treat. While there, I spent quite a while looking around at all the Christmas paraphernalia in stock. Unbelievable. I checked out glittery this and sparkly that for the tree, velvet stockings and tapestry ones, candy canes for inside decor and out, and Duck Dynasty everything. I left the store with what a came for, as well as a spinning head. I think I will stick with the decoration I have and love. They may be old, but they have a story to tell me whenever I put them up.

For right now, everything Christmas is still stored in a few plastic bins in the storage room. I'll get them out Saturday to begin preparing for all the family Christmas fun. The first items I want to bring out are the Christmas mugs. Enjoying a cup of coffee or hot tea from them over the next weeks will be nice.

Next will be the "glass/ceramic/breakable" nativity scene. It consists of three lighted buildings, two groups of trees (one with a broken top), a cow, a few sheep, a group of camels, a shepherd, some wise men, and of course, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. I'm not sure where I will put it this year. I change it all the time.

The tree will go up somewhere in the living room. Swags decorating the fireplace mantle and doorway to the dining room will add a festive feeling. Three bedrooms will be readied for company. In the back of my mind I have cinnamon rolls baking. We'll see if that happens or stays as an enticing thought. That is what I am planning over the next week.

What planning and preparation did God go through for that first Christmas? There were so many things to do before hand. There had to be a common language in which to spread the good news. There had to be roads to travel on. There had to be a hunger for God. A prophet must be readied. A family had to be prepared to rear the Christ child. Then there had to be a way to get them to Bethlehem. So much to do.

Finally, the time was fully right. Greek was the universal language. Roman roads criss-crossed the Middle East and southern Europe, His people were oppressed and longing for the Messiah's arrival. John the Baptist was born, Mary was amazed and humbled by the angel's pronouncement of a child yet to be conceived. Joseph had dreams. .A census was declared. All was finally ready.

Oh yes, one more thing. The birth announcement was ready too--angels ready to light up the night sky and make a declaration. One said, "...Today in the town of David a Savior has been born; he is Christ the Lord..." A company of the heavenly host appeared and said, "Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests."  Luke 2:11, 13

Preparing myself to prepare for Christmas,

Jan and Licorice Kitty

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