Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Resolutions or Revolutions

Why do people make New Year Resolutions? For me, resolutions are a waste of time and energy because I know good and well that I will keep them for only a day or two--a week max. Here is what I mean.

I resolve to exercise for 30 minutes every day  thee times a week. The easiest way for me to do that is walk down my road and back. But, what if it is pouring rain? Which it does quite often in the winter. I will wait until later in the day. When later in the day finally rolls around and the rain has diminished to sprinkles, it is getting too dark to safely walk down a country road. I will walk tomorrow, maybe.

I resolve to eat healthier meals. The homemade soups are great, as are omelets, baked chicken, broiled fish, salads, roasted vegetables, and fresh fruit. I watch them all go down the hatch. After a week, I don't want to spend time preparing the food for each meal. It is so much easier to fix a big batch of spaghetti and eat on it all week. A peanut butter and honey sandwich takes very little time compared to a chef's salad. Chopping up peppers, onions, and tomatoes, and grating cheese for an omelet takes forever, but a pot of oatmeal cooks itself.

Get the idea? I'm lazy and undisciplined.

What I need is not New Year's Resolutions, but New Year's Revolutions. When I reach the point of revolting against my old ways, something will happen. Revolt comes from the heart. It comes when I know change is absolutely essential for my well-being. It comes when Holy Spirit whispers to my inner-most parts, "Jan, you are in disrepair. You need some serious work. Quit listening to the enemy's 'later'. Now, now is the time," and I believe him to the point of revolting against the one who tells me lies.

Good intentions won't accomplish anything, at least not in my case. I tend to see them in the same light as resolutions--nice ideas. But a revolution means a fight is on. It means going against the way things are and bringing in the way they should be according to God's will. It means a fire has started within me.

A revolt is brewing, but a date on a calendar can't be the determining factor. It must be determined by an unwavering desire to fight the battle to bring about the change--whenever that desire comes. And it will come. It might be January 1, 2014 or March 21, 2015, or... In the meantime, there is guilt to be dealt with, and sugar and rain.

So, as the new year rolls in, out with the resolutions, and in with the revolutions.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,

Jan and Licorice (who tried bringing her mouse-burger inside yesterday. I sent them both packing.)

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