Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Beside Myself

I was practically beside myself yesterday--so beside myself that there wasn't enough room in my chair for both of us. I couldn't find my purse. I knew I had had it Sunday morning when I left for church, but by Monday morning I couldn't find it. So, yesterday I checked with both the church and the grocery story I had stopped at. No purse. I turned the house upside-down. I checked the car from trunk to floor under the front seats. No purse. For the life of me I couldn't remember when I had it last.

It wasn't just my purse that was missing, it was 'my life'--gas money, grocery money, money for the remaining out-of-town basketball games. It was over $100. Then there was my drivers license, medical insurance cards, debit card, and a couple credit cards (which I use only a couple times a year to order something on-line). Finally, there were two McDonalds gift cards.

The thought of dealing with phone calls to law enforcement, my bank, and credit card personnel didn't make me very happy. I couldn't even tell anyone what had happened except the fact that I had left it somewhere. To top it all off, having to find something to verify my identity for a new driver's license irritated me no end.

The straw that almost broke this camel's back was the phone call from by daughter asking me if I wanted a ride to the ball game. Of course I did, but without my driver's license I didn't want to risk driving to her house in the dark, and getting stopped. I also didn't want to ask for the money to get into the game; therefore, I told her I would sit this one out.

Half an hour later my daughter-in-law called. Was I going to the game? No. I couldn't find my purse, I told her. Then added that I don't like going anywhere without ID.

"Your purse is over here." she informed me. I must have taken in with me when I watched the football game with her on Sunday. In the heat of the Seahawk's win, my mind must have gone blank.

Today was going to be the day to make those calls. Thankfully that is not necessary. This is a day to spend the rest of my grocery money, meet a friend for coffee, and start gathering up what I will need for this weekend's retreat.

I don't know why I don't like dealing with junk like lost purses. It shouldn't have caused me to go into a funk, but it did. "Lord, help this brain of mine remember." I prayed. "If it was stolen, let me get at least my ID cards back."

I am thankful I didn't get overly excited and make those calls yesterday. I guess my reticence paid off in this case. "Thank you, Lord."

By the way, we got clobbered in the basketball game last night, but my granddaughters played well. They both have hustle and speed--so much fun to watch.

Heading out for the store with anticipation of a blessed day,

Jan (I left Licorice outside to chase the field mice around)

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