Thursday, January 2, 2014

What to Do? What to Do?

I decided to have a McDonald's morning before I undertake myriad errands. In my mind, my day will be super productive. After completing my in-town tasks and getting my first tank of gas for the year, I will head home and...well... I will do something productive, something like move the boxes of Christmas things out of the living room and into the storage room (which needs to be cleaned out and straightened up)

So, I will go home and clean out the store room before I put the Christmas boxes away. But I should probably eat lunch first. Grilled cheese made on the Foreman Grill sounds good. And a glass of no-longer-sparkling cider to wash it down. Then I will tackle the store room

Last time I started a storeroom cleaning project, I found a dead, dried-up mouse curled up in a stocking cap. I don't know what is worse, a dried-up mouse in a knit cap or a fresh one on the porch. Oh the joys of country living.

There is no way I can accomplish all this cleaning and straightening in one day, so I will make it my January project. It is do-able, measurable, and whatever else a goal needs to be. By the way, I think I need to do some straightening and cleaning of my heart. It is getting cluttered with junk again.

But, I must sign off now. My hour time limit at McDonalds is up, and the stores, bank, and gas station call for my undivided attention. Off to the thrift store I go, hunting for a cat carrier. Wish me luck.

Living a new day of my life, I am. Each day is a God-given, new day. I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Jan and Licorice Kitty (I left her outside to get her breakfast)

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