Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Table Set Before Me

I don't want to prove that the third time's the charm, so let's see if I can get this written in my second try. The couple hours I wrote last night turned out to be for naught. At this point it isn't looking too promising either. It has taken me at least three attempts to get this much written the way I want it. We'll see how it goes from here.

Sunday during my pastor's sermon, which was excellent, my mind wandered a spell and landed on Psalm 23:5. "You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies." For some unknown reason, I kept thinking about walking through those dark valleys that the Lord takes us through and coming upon a beautiful table filled with food to nurture me for the rest of the journey. How wonderful. But as I sit down to enjoy food and appreciate the work the Lord has done to prepare just what I need, I realize there are some things set before me that I don't want to partake of.

A bowl of Love Your Enemies Soup might not sit well on my tummy. I will wrap up a serving of  Be Doers of the Word, not Hearers Only in my napkin and try to dump it the trash--sort of like my young kids tried doing with their peas many years ago. What is this? A cup of Take up your Cross tea? No thank you. And Lord, I'm not really sure about the Heal the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cast out Demons casserole on my plate. Maybe I'm really not all that hungry after all.

The thing is, the Good Shepherd took time and energy to prepare exactly what is needed to nourish and sustain me. He has prepared precisely what I need to grow to maturity. If I don't like the sight, smell, or thought of it, doesn't mean I should turn my nose and refuse to eat it.

I may not like some of the things set on the table before me, but everything is there for a purpose. The good part is that foods I love the most like I will Never Leave You Pie with a whipped topping of Divine Blessings will definitely help the Forgive 70 x 7  greens go down a little easier. 

Here is the best part. I am eating from this wonderful table in full view of my enemies. Are you watching Satan? I am going to clean my plate knowing that when I am done, I will be stronger, more fit, and better equipped for the next leg of the journey.

Watch out Mr. Devil.

Thank you for this food, Lord.


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