Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Tales and Tails

After almost two weeks of trying to write a post on a 'good water-bad soil' theme, I am still getting nowhere fast. I've decided it is time to give it a rest. Instead I will write about a few memorable moments over the past weeks.

My much dreaded 50th wedding anniversary turned out to be a great time. The Lord walked me through my turmoil until I could celebrate HIS 50 years of faithfulness, blessings, and joy. Thank you, Lord.

As I jumped into my car to head to my dentist Monday morning, something in the field caught my eye. A deer was my first impression. That quickly changed when I realized the immensity of the creature. An elk, no, four elk were meandering through my property. I promptly shut off the car and ran to the house for my camera. It had enough battery power for one picture. By the time I stepped out my bedroom door only two majestic animals were still visible, but I captured them before they too disappeared.  Love it.

While on the subject of wildlife, Licorice Kitty left a tiny, little shrew on our front porch sometime early Monday morning. I found it upside-down and undisturbed next to her water bowl. That is exactly how I left it, knowing it would be gone by the next morning. It was.

Tuesday morning Licorice brought another critter to the door. This time she didn't just drop it off. She told me in loud, purring meows that she had a treasure for me. How she can meow so loudly with a lifeless chipmunk in her mouth, I don't know, but she can. Those kinds of gifts do not make me happy. I told her to take her breakfast elsewhere. I had something else planned for my morning meal.

When I checked back on her half an hour later, she was standing by the door ready to come in. The only evidence of her hunting prowess was a furry tail on the board beside her. Yuck. I left it there and hoped that, like the shrew, the tail would be taken by some scavenger during the night, but it wasn't. The thought also crossed my mind that the tail might regenerate a chipmunk and together they would scurry away. Well, that didn't happen either. This morning that tail still sat on my porch blending in with all the 'fruit' that has fallen from my magnolia tree. Those tiny cone-thingies are green/brown and hard instead of brown and furry, but are about the same size as the tail. They all have to go.

Where is the tail?

It is just left of center.

Since I don't have a television connection, I keep up on the World Cup games via Twitter. That is an interesting way to be informed. "Gooooooooaaaaaaaaalll!" The same is true for the Mariners (Seattle' baseball team). Although the information comes in bits and pieces, one sentence at a time, I still know who gets the hits, steals, strike outs, and comes in as a relief pitcher. For me, that surely beats spending several minutes tuned to the radio to find out what the score is. I marvel at this "???" age. What do you call this age anyway, and what generation is it?

I'm getting excited for a family reunion next month. There will be so much fun--including games, eating, playing, and a talent show and worship. We are ready for a weekend of big-time blessing.

As you can see, my days are sooooo exciting. If I knew about the proper use of emoticons, emojis, or whatever you call the happy, sad, teary, winking faces used in social media these days, I could do something clever to let you know that my sooooo exciting comment was strictly tongue in cheek. If I really wanted to share something exciting, and my mother were still living, I could say, "Look, Ma, no cavities." I take my good teeth for granted most of the time. Thanks, Lord. (Instead of rewriting that last sentence I will just add that I am thanking the Lord for my good teeth, not for my taking them for granted.)

Our God is so great, so strong and so mighty, here is nothing our God cannot do. *clap*clap*
(Lyrics of a favorite Sunday school song.)

Going to get something done today,

If you looked at a compilation of my to-do lists, you would think I had the cleanest house and most perfect yard in the county. If you looked at my yard and house, you would think I needed a to-do list. That's my life and I'm sticking to it.

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