Friday, July 11, 2014

Thinking about a Family Reunion

I had better get busy and organize some thoughts for our family reunion talent show. There will be music, skits, and maybe some comedy. My contribution will be telling family stories through alliteration. At least that is what I want to do. For example, "Danny digs in dusty dirt and drives a dinged up Dart.   His dimpled cheeks and dark, dark eyes delight the damsels that he dates." I have absolutely no idea who this Danny guy is, but I now know a little about him because I created him. The problem will be painting word pictures of family members and their humorous escapades. We'll see how it goes.

If not that, I might compose a humorous, tongue-in-cheek something or other about the joys of aging with its sagging skin, stiff knees, and graying hair. Or, how about grand-motherhood with funny, awesome, or possibly embarrassing stories about my grand-kids--they do laugh about them now. Or, there is always material about living in a world where tweets are on Twitter instead of in trees, posts are on Facebook and blogs instead of in the ground supporting fences like they're supposed to, and data is stored in the Cloud instead of a filing cabinet. My questions is, "Where does all that data go on a clear day?" And one other question, "How did the word blog come into being any way? Blog?"

(According to Wikipedia, Blog is the truncated form of Web Log. Now I know more than I did a few minutes ago. Hooray)

And there is also the Sunday morning worship time to work on. The teen generation is leading worship, and I have been asked to share a message. There are so many ways to proclaim God's grace, love, and faithfulness to, in, and through our family. I mainly want us to realize the diversity of gifts and talents we have been given, gifts to use to further the kingdom. How is that to be done? How do we hear his leading? How do we understand his heavenly timing on our earthly clocks? There is so much to pray about, think about, and ask clarification for. All I know for sure is that by reunion time, God will have shown me what he wants proclaimed. He never fails.

It is mid-afternoon and the sun has finally burned through the low clouds. Wildfires are still burning out of control in parts of the Pacific Northwest, part of the family is back from vacation (at least they are supposed to be), and my grass is still growing so I have to get mowing. Come on mowing machine, we've got this.

Getting ready to head out,

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