Tuesday, July 22, 2014


The wildfires that are still burning out of control in Central Washington State are unbelievable. As of now, 379 square miles of forests, grazing land, farms, towns, and homes have burned. Orchards have been singed. That is 300,000 acres of land blackened, approximately 200 homes destroyed, uncounted herds of range cattle killed, and orchards and fruit processing plants without electricity to power irrigation pumps and cold storage units. Even evacuation locations had to evacuated.

Today, the ladies in our prayer group were praying for a Holy Spirit Revival to overtake our community. We prayed that our families, churches, and friends move from cold or lukewarm to being on fire for the Lord. At the same time, I was praying and hurting for the people who have lost everything in the un-contained wildfires, and for the firefighters who struggle against almost insurmountable odds to bring in under control.

In doing so, the following thoughts passed through my mind as I wondered how one recovers from the loss of a home and, in some cases, lively hood. Recovery will happen, but it will take time I reasoned. Power will be restored in a couple months allowing generators to be silenced. The open grazing land will grow grass again; and in a few years new herds of cattle will once more be seen on the hillsides. The jack pines will grow again because intense heat releases seeds from the cones. Homes will be rebuilt as aid comes in from across the state and nation.

God's restorative power in nature will be seen as fresh hints of green arise across the land. God's love and mercy will be experienced as people reach out to each other.  The people and the land of Central Washington will recover,

Suddenly, my thoughts jumped to a more personal level. Here is the question I had to ask, especially after praying for a Holy Spirit revival in our community. What 'possessions' do I have in my life that need to be destroyed by the hand of God? By that I mean what fears, jealousies, egocentric behaviors, and other sins stand in the way of what God has planned for me. Will it take a Holy Spirit Fire to burn and destroy those things that tend to shape me into someone I don't want to be before I can be be all God wants me to me?  I strongly feel that each of us has seeds of  new growth and regrowth within us waiting to be released, but it will take a Holy Fire to accomplish it.

Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me. Let me experience your Wildfire.


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