Thursday, July 24, 2014

Keeping Up

I am trying to keep up. Really, I am. I now know the difference between Twitter and a tweet, but wonder how the Twitter name ever came into being. I understand that Twitter and Facebook are used for different types of communication, but hash-tags leave me scratching my head. #confusedasusual #tweetallergic

Then there are Snapchat and Instagram. Take a picture, write a comment, and have a laugh or two. I really don't want to share every moment of my life in pictures seen by friends, friends of friends, and whoever wants to cyberstalk me. But that is the way of life today. I am trying to keep up, but am not too sure I want to.

So now we have selfies, duck faces, and photo-bombers. Say what? What happened to you-sies instead of me-sies. At least there are still us-ies. But, on the positive note, sending crazy faces does help communicate when body language and vocal inflection are missing. A confused face can say a lot. The same is true with imoges or emoticons, or whatever they are called--those icons used to express yourself more clearly. One of my granddaughters tweets was followed by #greatday and a half  dozen teeny-weeny images of hearts, clapping hands, happy faces, cold drinks and sun shine.  I would know for sure she was a happy girl if her tweet, "Disneyland" hadn't said it clearly enough.

And, on a personal note, I can do without photo-bombers--those people who take advantage of your photo-op. There are team pictures with some random guy/gal standing in the back row--probably from another team. There are cute pictures of smiling friends that have, in the background, someone making faces or obscene gestures. In some cases this can be funny, but in others, I find it quite annoying. But, I am trying to keep up, really I am.

Keeping up is difficult because, as I have said in previous posts, I don't have a smart phone, ipod or ipad; however, I could count the sterile gauze pads left over from by husband's cataract surgery in the ipad catagory couldn't I? #eyefunny

So, there are my random thoughts for today as I am trying to come with something for my talent portion of the family reunion next weekend. I have a great idea going right now, so I just called (old school, I know) my granddaughter to run it past her. Hopefully something will come of it. (Hint--a skit with monotone narration and humorous social networking action) I will keep you posted.

Now, what in the world is Linkedin?  I keep getting invitations to something I know nothing about. Seriously folks, is it necessary for my worldly well being? I am trying to keep up, really I am. The only one I need to be Linkedin with is Jesus. That is necessary.

Keeping up with technology is not nearly as important as keeping up with the Lord's leading


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