Wednesday, July 9, 2014

What's Up With Silly Concerns?

Hi, folks (ladies and gentlemen, friends and neighbors, and family too. Come on it and sit a spell. Enjoy a cup of coffee with me, tea or water if you prefer. But since I have no cookies, donuts, or cupcakes, you will have to settle for a handful of oyster crackers left over from who knows when. On second thought, they are probably not very fresh any more. Into the trash they go, joining the stale veggie crackers I dumped last night.

I have been quite quiet the past week. I haven't written anything to anyone including you. I haven't called anyone. I haven't gone anywhere except to the dentist for a cleaning and to the vet for medicine for Licorice Kitty's ears. (Not ear mites, but some itsy-bitsy, creepy-crawly thingies that were chewing on the edges of her ever-alert ears). She doesn't like me putting stuff on them.

I will keep this short today, shorter than what I intended to write earlier in the day, because a young mother from church is coming out with her two little ones as soon as they wake up from naps. Hooray for naps. This should be interesting. I don't knew her very well, but look forward to a visit. I got some toys out for the kids, ages 2 & 3, to play with. By that I mean I opened up the toy box that is filled with a menagerie of a "zillion" stuffed animals, and I took the lid off the "gigantic" container of "huge" plastic lego-like blocks.

One or all of these things will probably happen.

  1. They will dump or pull everything out, then see what else they can find to do in areas that are off limits--areas I don't even know are off limits yet.
  2. They will want to play with whatever the other one is playing with. (fight)
  3. They will have to leave early because of "issues".
  4. They will have a great time and leave happy.
I'm hope (pray) it will be only #4. I don't think I have ever had children other than those related to me playing with the bins of toys. When they fought or left messes, they were still my sweet-hearts. Having another person's darlings is another issue all together.Why, I have to ask myself, am I assuming the worse. 

Lord, let me love these kids as my own, let this be a good time, a blessed time, a time to accomplish whatever it is that you have in mind. Let our conversation be edifying, fun, and constructive.
And Lord, thank you for my readers' patience with me. May the words that fill these pages bring laughter, joy, encouragement, insight, or whatever else you desire. Let the words keep coming even when I have no idea what they will be. Amen
I didn't mean to spend this time talking about my silly concerns, but there they are. I guess that is what friends are for, to listen to what is bothering us, and then loving us anyway.

Thanks, friends



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