Wednesday, June 25, 2014

In God's Perfect Time, Not My Convenience

God is amazing. Those of you who have read my posts over the past week know I had to deal with some issues. Well, my anniversary came and went without tears, sorrow, or regrets. Prayers were answered, life was celebrated, and the Lord was in it all.  WOW, what a few days they were!

So now it is Wednesday, June 25th, and 2014 as almost half over. Where is the year going in such a hurry? I wish it would stay around awhile longer. I am not ready for a granddaughter to go off to college. I will miss her. I am not ready for other grandchildren to be 7th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders. I still want them in elementary dance programs, concerts, and science fairs. I am not ready for rapidly growing grass followed by falling leaves. I am not ready for winter gully washers and wild storms. In fact,  I'm not even ready for this summer even though it has already arrived.

I want the year (or just today) to slow down because there is something else I am not ready for--my mammogram. I keep putting it off, hoping Jesus will return first.

That reminds me of something one of my young granddaughters asked her mother after Sunday school one day.
"Mom, what's taking him so long?"
"So long for what?"
"My teacher said he is in heaven preparing a place for me. What's taking him so long?"

That's what I would also like to know, because if he hasn't returned by 12:30 this afternoon, I have to drive all the way into town to face the dreaded boob smashing machine. Oh well, there are worse things in life than a few minutes of discomfort. Besides, I could treat myself to frozen yogurt afterward. Yeah, that is what I could do.

As much as I enjoy frozen yogurt topped with fresh fruit, I really would prefer Jesus to come before my 1:00 appointment; however, he is God and I am not, so he will return when all is ready for the big day, not at my convenience.

Thankful that God's perfect timing takes precedence over my selfish wishes,

tick-tock, tick-tock,

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