Saturday, June 14, 2014

Show Me How, Lord.

From my recliner
1:25 p.m.
June 14, 2014

Well now, that is a good start. At least I have officially written something. I was going to write at McDonalds this morning, but made up my shopping list instead. I was going to write after I put my groceries away, but glanced through today's paper, petted the cat, and read my snail mail, e-mail, tweets, and face book posts instead. At this point, the World Cup is in full swing; the NBA championship is almost over; the garage wants my car in for an oil change; pictures of grads with their happy families are everywhere I look; and the cat is contentedly purring away.

With all the above accomplished and my stomach growling, I was going to heat up the last of my turkey chili, take it into the sun-room, and enjoy a leisurely lunch-with-a-good-book break. Instead, here I sit typing letter-by-letter, word-by-word creating who knows what. We should all know within the hour. I can hardly wait.

Then I will eat lunch, and read a chapter or two of my book before doing some real work (as in physical labor) I need to attack the grass that is embracing the trees trunks and overtaking outdoor stairs, as well as the weeds cuddling up to the flower beds. Look out, over-takers, the weed whacker is coming for you.

But, I must be honest with you, The battery on my handy, dandy weed cutter-offer lasts only 15 to 20 minutes. At least I can get some work done in areas that will impress the neighbors. "Oh look, she finally tidied up under her trees."

Before signing off to heat my lunch, I need a high five from y'all. Yesterday I accomplished the impossible, yes I did. I, the lady with little arm strength, lifted my full 5 gallon gas can (30 lbs according to Google) all the way up to the  lawn mower engine (it's a riding mower), maneuvered the spout into the gas tank with one hand while holding the container with the other, and poured the gas in without spilling a drop or dropping the confounded thing. It was hard, and took time to figure out how to lift, support, and pour all at the same time. In the process I prayed, "Lord, how can I do this? Show me." He came through. It is amazing what arms, hands, elbows and knees can do when working together. I truly can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

From my recliner
Signing off
2:30 p.m.

Now for lunch.

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