Saturday, June 21, 2014

Decorating an Ugly Float

Decorating an Ugly Float    6/21/14

The speaker at our women's retreat this summer spoke about seasons of our life, and then compared them to our life as a parade filled with floats. There are times when the float we are on is as beautiful and any seen in the Rose Bowl Parade. At other times we find ourselves on a float that is either ugly or not decorated at all, a float from which we want to jump. Neither kind lasts forever. Each is just part of the whole parade.

I had forgotten about all that float imagery until last evening when I attended a Woman's Root Beer Float Night at church. During the event, those who had attended the retreat could share what the Lord was doing in their lives since the retreat, and those who hadn't attended could hear all about it.

There were three tables set up in the room, each decorated differently. One had a July 4th theme, another was definitely luau themed, and the third had a pink party streamer jumbled in the middle of it along with a few balloons that hadn't been inflated. Don't ask me why, but I sat at the flat balloon table.

Once we were enjoying  our foamy, creamy root beer floats, one of the fearless leaders commented on the tables. They each represented a different parade float--two beautifully decorated and one not. I sort of laughed because I had planted myself right where I was emotionally at that time, on an ugly float. "You are funny, Lord." I snorted as I took a sip of my treat.

Then the evening began in earnest as women shared their good floats, bad floats, and transitions in between. Finally it was decision time for me. Do I share or don't I? Do I tell of the turmoil I had been going through over the weekend--my 50th wedding anniversary. Do I tell these women I had expected to be riding on a beautiful float full of flowers, standing with my husband, cutting a tiered cake, and waving to a crowd of well-wishers. Instead I had found myself surrounded by un-inflated balloons and un-strung streamers. I decided to share.

As I did, a different revelation took form. It was somewhat different from what I had written only hours earlier and forgotten to publish until minutes ago. (see 'Joyful, yet Sad) As I talked about sorrow and disappointments, I saw that the table before me had everything it needed to make it beautiful. If the balloons were inflated and the streamer draped, the table would be festive indeed.

That is when I more fully realized that during dark times, sad times, or angry times, the Lord has supplied all I need to bring beauty into the midst of it. I just have to look past the ugly and search for the beauty waiting to bloom. It is there.

Join me now as I begin decorating my 50th Anniversary Float with what the Lord has provided.

40 good years of marriage
3 healthy children
Supportive parents and friends
Good pastoral teaching
Lots of laughter
Memorable trips across the country
Family trip touring the western National Parks with my parents
Hiking along part of the Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon
Steady, secure job for my husband
Open doors for spiritual growth and ministry
Wisdom in child rearing
A good night's sleep before, and peace of mind during our oldest child's surgery
Highly anticipated family reunions
Puns, puns, puns
Camping in rain storms, electrical storms, and tornado watches--oh, the awesome power of God.
Snorkeling in Hawaii with my brother and his wife
Breakfasts in bed for Mothers day
A carnation in my root beer freeze following birth of our daughter
Time alone on Saturdays when husband took the kids to the mall
Faithfulness in tithing (my husband saw to that)
Opportunity to be part of a prison ministry
Unexpected provision in tight financial situations
Children who have become strong people of faith
Christian spouses for our kids
Healthy, loving grand-children
Years of safe travel
Family holiday celebrations and traditions

There is more unpacking of memory and blessing boxes to do, but my once ugly float is becoming more and more beautiful as I decorate and celebrate with all the Lord has provided and blessed.

Thank you, Lord, for this present float I'm riding in our parade of life.


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