Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Protect My Ears, Lord

Years ago, as I mowed the small field by the barn, a question reverberated in my ears all because a rather long snake skin grabbed my attention. I heard God loudly and clearly ask, "Are you going to molt or are you going to bolt?"

Yesterday afternoon I was again looking for and listening for a word from God as I mowed the same field. That is not something I do regularly, look and listen that is, but that is what our prayer group had prayed for hours earlier. I knew the Lord would answer those prayers; however, I didn't know how he would do it. Surprise me, Lord.

So, as the mower slowly devoured the grass jungle that had arisen out of nowhere, I bounced up and down, and back and forth like a bronco rider in a rodeo. I also watched and listened.

Lord, is there a lesson here in this jumble of grass, weeds, mole hills, and animal scat? Bear? Elk? I don't know what critter the droppings came from, but they certainly weren't deer. Really, Lord,? Are you trying to reveal yourself in a new way? If so, you're really quite funny.

I got no answers to these questions.

As I continued mowing I had to occasionally adjust my ear protection--those uncomfortable muffs used to buffer the engine's ear-damaging decibels. At one point I seriously considered removing them altogether because they not only tended to slip, but they also pushed my glasses into the sides of my nose. I didn't like the situation at all, but rules being rules, I kept them on. After all, I had to protect my ears. I didn't want to lose any more hearing than I have already.

I mowed some more before finally shutting off the mower. As I removed the protective device and once again adjusted them I heard a blackbird's call. Now the Lord had my attention. I began to consider everything my ears take in during a week's time or even a day's. There are the singing birds at daybreak, barking dogs, and purring cats. There are women's prayers on Tuesday, voices raised in song on Sunday, and awe filled sighs from my lips daily.These are the good sounds, the holy sounds.

Sadly, there are so many other sounds that assail my ears, the unholy ones.There is the gossip transmitted in conversations. There are the profanities, sexual innuendos, and abusive, degrading words I hear on TV, in movies, and in the market place. Then there are the words I hear with my eyes as I read books, newspapers, and social media posts. These are all words I need to protect my ears from when entering a world overgrown with weeds.

I know there was a time in my own life that I ignored words that dishonored God and his creation. I pretended I didn't hear abusive, evil talk, but listened anyway. I was shocked by the use of the Lord's name in vain, but turned a deaf ear. I had had unprotected hearing for so long that the unholy and profane was slowly becoming either acceptable, unquestioned or, worse yet, unnoticed.

Yesterday I had to ask this question, "Can unprotected hearing deafen us to the voice of God?"

I'm so thankful that the Holy Spirit allows us to recognize the harmful noises and words of the world so we can turn away from or speak against them before they cause damage. Our ability to hear God's voice must not be lost.

Protect our ears, Lord, so that we are hearing you, and only you.


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