Monday, June 16, 2014

Where Did They Go?

While sitting here thinking about this post, I glanced at a gum wrapper lazing on the end table beside me. It is sort of crumpled up, sort of folded up, and sort of sad knowing its usefulness has come to an end. Hmmm, I wondered, is there something I could write about that little piece of spearmint scented paper?  Something humorous perhaps?

Somewhere, somehow (don't ask me how)  my gum-wrapper thought made a detour from the Humor Room Road to the Where Did It Go Road, and barged in without even knocking. "Hey!" it yelled out. Anyone around here know where Black Jack went? You know what I'm talking about don't ya? The licorice flavored gum I loved as a kid, yeah, the kind in the blue and black package. No? No!. Oh, that is too bad.

"Well then, how about Beeman Pepsin  gum, or Clove? Haven't seen them either? OK, how about these bubble gums? Bazooka? Double Bubble? NO?"

That is where my gum wrapper took me at first, but I didn't stay there. I ended up on the internet checking out candy by the decade. Oh, the fond memories that surfaced. There were memories of walking home from school and stopping by the little corner store to buy a candy treat for the few pennies in my pocket, and if I were lucky, a nickle too. Sometimes I bought black licorice, sometimes Tootsie Rolls; however, other times I was brave enough to buy a package of candy cigarettes (if you blew into the paper on them, a whiff of powdered sugar smoke would come off the red tipped end) or bubblegum cigars complete with a paper 'ring' I would wear on my fingers. And don't forget the wax lips and mustaches.

Several pictures of specific candy brought back memories of Saturday matinees. I always challenged myself to nurse along a box of Jr. Mints or a Sugar Daddy sucker for the entire movie. Looking back, it's surprising how far ten cents would go.

Yep, there were the summers of blowing bubbles with friends--not the soapy kind, rather the skill requiring, gum kind. While we passed around the waxed Bazooka Joe comic that came with each piece of Bazooka gum, we would stuff our mouths with piece after piece of gum. Finally, after several minutes of chewing, swallowing sweet saliva, and forming the pink, pliable gum into a smooth wad of bubble-blowing perfection, we were ready to compete. Then came the laughter as bubbles either popped before barely forming or grew and grew with each steady breath until coming to rest on our noses or in our eyebrows. What greater fun could there be?

Aaaaah, the past. Is that the way it really was? I doubt it, but that is the way I remember a place to which I can never return except in my memories. If I really wanted a taste of the past, I could find it. I could take the time and effort to locate and order those discontinued brands of gum that are manufactured  only once a year or so. If I really wanted to, I could locate a store in our area that sells Sugar Daddy suckers.  I could. But why go back to the past when there is the 'now' with its Sour Patch Kids, Wasabi Almonds, and Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccinos?

In time, they too might be gone--replaced by something else, not necessarily better, but newer.

Even though so much from my early years no longer exist, there is one that remains completely unchanged--my Lord. I wasn't aware if his presence in those childhood years. I wasn't very aware of him in my young adult years. Why go back to those days, no matter how good I remember them as being, when I know that today I live in his presence?  I will admit there are times I'm not aware of him, but it never lasts long.

I find comfort knowing he was present 70+ years ago, he is present at this moment, and will continue being present until I stand before his heavenly throne. The fact he is present will never change.

Yes, in my case, it is fun reliving the distant past. It is humbling remembering the recent past. It is awe-inspiring living out each and every day. And the future? I think it will be glorious.

Remembering the past, living in the present, and awaiting what is to come,

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