Saturday, June 7, 2014

Graduation Contemplation

The band's last musical note has faded into the bleachers. The speakers' last kudos have touched families' hearts. The din of excited conversation has finally beached itself among salty tears in corners of the high school Commons. My granddaughter's graduation is over, but it was a night I will not soon forget.

It is hard to find words to express the joy, the pride, and, at the same time, sorrow I felt seeing this beautiful young lady enter the gym. With head held high, eyes aglow, and academic medals clanking against her robe, she marched down the aisle and settled into her assigned seat.

It seems like only yesterday I watched this child entering her kindergarten classroom to begin a journey into the academic world in which she not only thrived, but also excelled. It seems like only hours ago I observed her serving volley-balls, guarding rival hoopsters, and making an occasional basket or turnover in that very same gym. It seems like only minutes ago I gazed at her name on the school's Track Record board. And seconds ago? heard her leading worship at her youth group.

But last night, the school fight song became Pomp and Circumstance. Names on record boards became tear-blurred smudges; and cheers for extended volleys or three-point shots became an echoing ovation for the class of 2014. And her singing? It was carried into the gym and shared with the entire community.

Seeing the honor stole, honor cords, and academic medals decorate a granddaughter's robe would make any grandma proud. So would the awards and scholarships, but its not the decorations, the plaques, or the "You have been awarded..." letters that makes this grandma most proud. It is the Christ-filled heart and Godly spirit beneath that robe that fills me to overflowing.  In other words, it is not about what she does, it is about who she is in Christ.
Go into the world, Miss R, with joy, integrity, honesty, respect, and love. Use your gifts to the best of your ability, and acknowledge, honor, and serve Him well.

My sadness comes, as sadness does, with the end of an age. Joy comes, as joy does, with beginnings. So, granddaughter of mine, the memory-filled old has passed away and the un-revealed future lies ahead. I am excited for you.

Love ya, girl


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