Monday, February 4, 2013

My First Ever Toothache

Last week was crazy--full of this and that and nothing at all. I went to a boys' basketball game at home--a heart stopper that we won, an out-of-town girls' basketball game that we lost, a hair appointment for a trim (hooray), dinner with my daughter and family (yum), a belated birthday outing with a grandson (fun), and church. I finished up my research paper around 11 last night, got it printed out at Staples this morning, and presented it at our Ladies meeting at noon today. Interspersed through it all was an easy-come-not-so-easy-go toothache. Now that is something I could have done without.

Everything I did last week I have experienced before, everything except the toothache. I've never had one, at least not that I can remember. Over the past few months I have known I had a couple teeth that were sensitive to cold, especially icy drinks, but I could easily work around that minor problem. Waking up in the middle of the night with the whole side of my face hurting was another story.

I pulled my comforter up to my nose and did what I do best in situations like this. I thought it to death. I tried to figure what tooth or teeth were hurting. Was it really my teeth or something else? What could have set this whole pain thing off? Had I been grinding my teeth, clinching my jaws, or... I'll let you fill in the blank.

I finally decided the pain was probably coming from the molar I cracked when I fell in the school parking lot a year ago. My dentist hadn't been sure he could save the tooth, but he would try. Yes, that was probably the problem. With that determination made I continued thinking, not about the cause, but about the remedy. I could get up and take some aspirin or some ibuprofen. I could bring out the big guns and take half a hydrocodone. I still have quite a few left from my surgery.

Those who know me probably have already guessed what I did. If you guessed "nothing" you are absolutely right. I just remained snuggled in my bed with my covers pull up, my eyes closed, and said, "Lord, I don't have time for this right now." Before I knew it, morning had arrived and the toothache had gone.

It stayed away most of the day, but by evening little twinges had returned. Now, what is this? It wasn't my molar that was bothering me, but someplace in the area of the front tooth I had knocked out in my big winter fall. Aspirin, ibuprofen, or hydrocodone? Again I chose none of the above, that is until I had been in bed an hour or so and the molar started in. With the two teeth singing a duet of pain, I decided to take control and take a couple ibuprofen. It worked. In no time at all peace, quiet, and a pain free face returned.

After putting up with this recurring problem all week and thinking it to death plus analyzing it through an autopsy and burial, I decided it wasn't going away. This afternoon I called my dentist and made an appointment for Wednesday afternoon.

Here's the crazy thing, though. All week I've put up with this nagging problem and not once asked the Lord to take care of it. That is really sad.  I'd better get busy praying so I will be able to cancel the dentist appointment.

Praying for a pain-free night and a pain-free tomorrow.

Have a great night, Jan

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