Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thoughts on Rev. 1:7

Let's see how this goes. I have a great idea--at least I think it is. Whether I can carry it through is another story. I started a Bible study at church yesterday. It is Beth Moore's "HERE and NOW---THERE and THEN," a DVD lecture series on Revelation.

As with all her studies, there is homework. Each week contains 5-6 questions to think about and answer. She asked us to also spend time each day discovering what Jesus has revealed or disclosed about himself, whether through the written Word, a sermon, a song, a conversation, a sight or sound, or... So, I thought I could write a little something each day about either new revelation or insights, or just thoughts that have come from the study.

Today's question was this, "Reread Revelation 1:1-8. Record one phrase of Scripture from this portion that you find most interesting or fascinating and explain why."

I don't like explaining why. I used to skip those parts in the studies I did. Going through therapy has helped me realize the importance of explaining the whys of my answers, but my preference is still fill-in-the-blanks or multiple choice.

While eating my poached egg and toast I reread the Revelation passage as requested. After eating, I read it again, only aloud this time. "Blessed is he who hears..." I finally settled in on the last half of verse 7. The first part tells of Jesus coming with the clouds. Then comes, "Every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him."

ALL THE PEOPLE WILL MOURN? I could easily visualize those who pierced him physically. I could see the Roman soldiers around the cross taunting him, casting lots for his clothes, and finally piercing his side to hasten his death. I could completely understand their mourning when they see him return. They had been sooooo wrong.

But, all people will mourn because of him?

I then worked on visualizing the aroused mob shouting, "Crucify him! Crucify him!"  I could see them mourning at the sight of Jesus returning with the clouds. They had been soooo wrong.

But, all people will mourn because of him? That means me doesn't it? That means you, too. We will mourn because of him. This is the portion that had caught my attention. Now came the hard part. explaining why?

I began thinking about being pierced, not physically, but emotionally. I thought about betrayal, heart break, cutting words, and disappointment, those situations where others had pierced me to my very core. The pain they caused, though not tangible, was real. My heart ached, and at times was broken.

Now the light bulb in my dark little mind turned on as I realized that over and over again I had pierced my Lord's heart.I did it when I ignored him as he sat huddled in a doorway trying to stay warm. I did it when I denied him by refusing to come to his defense while listening to a Christian-bashing conversation. I did it by disobeying him when I chose to keep an extra blanket stowed away, unused, in a box when someone else was in dire need.

I, one who pierced his side, will see him coming with the clouds. Hallelujah. I, along with all the people of the earth, will mourn because of him.

I will mourn because of the pain and heart break I caused him. I will mourn because I was soooo wrong.


To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father--to him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

Rev. 1:5b-6

So begins eleven weeks of letting Jesus reveal himself to me. Please join me on this journey


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