Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine Day Celebration

Chicken is marinading. Cream puffs are cooling. Table is set. Basket for corn bread muffins is ready. Baby red potatoes are scrubbed, and zucchini is washed. All I have to do now is wash some strawberries and blue berries, whip some cream, and cook. Since my son and daughter-in-law won't be here until 6:00 PM I can rest up awhile. That is good because for some unknown reason I am very tired today.

What is the grand occasion for the dinner, you ask? It is simple. Every year I give my son a gift certificate for dinner for two at my house. The last couple years it has been a Valentine Dinner. They get all dressed up, I put on a CD of mood music, light candles, pour sparkling cider, and serve a gourmet dinner. It is fun.

There is a slight change for this year's event. My eldest granddaughter and two of her friends are having a Valentine celebration at her house. They will be singing, dancing, talking, hot tubbing, and just being silly teenage girls. I invited them over for cream puffs after my dinner guests leave. They are hyped.

Here is the twist. After my son and his wife are finished with dinner, they are heading home to spend some time in their hot tub. Their three kids are coming over here for cream puffs, too. That means I will have 5 teenage girls, 1 teenage boy, and an 11 year old sitting around my dining room table eating dessert, drinking cider, laughing, talking, and probably playing with the candle. The nice part is, they all enjoy each other's company and have fun together. I love creating memories.

Well, it is almost noon. I have just about finished my cup of coffee. I hope it peps me up a little. I just want to take a nap. Now that I think about it, I did have to drive out of town to have a root canal done yesterday. Then drove back home. That is as good an excuse as any. It might not be the reason, but it does the trick for me.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone. May we all experience true love this day.


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