Monday, February 25, 2013

Today's Discover Jesus Moment #2

This was another crazy day. Good crazy, not bad crazy.

I left for town fairly early this morning, had to stop for gas because I was almost running on fumes, then checked in for my yearly doctor visit which I haven't had for over 4 years. I guess that means it hasn't been yearly. Oh well.

I was excited with the results of the blood work I had done last week. Other than my vitamin D level being a low normal, everything else was perfect. In fact, the Dr. said she hasn't seen blood work this good in 20 years. Yeah. Thank you, Lord.

Then, instead of coming home, I went to my daughter's house to sit with my granddaughter for awhile. She has been sick since last week--high fever, sore throat. My daughter, a teacher, needed to go to her school since it was picture day. The teacher probably should be in the class picture.

She returned within half an hour, so we sat and visited for a bit. She was feeling somewhat overwhelmed. She had clothes to fold, papers to grade, lesson plans to develop, worship schedule to make, dinner to fix, a kitchen floor to sweep, dusty furniture staring her in the face, and a sick daughter who needed her attention.

What she really wanted to do was keep her daughter company and do nothing else. I can certainly identify with that.

Well, after we talked, I headed down the sidewalk to hop into my car and drive home. I wasn't sure what I was going to do when I got home, but it would probably be something fairly nonproductive. I had almost reached my car when I practically fell on my face as I suddenly came to an abrupt and complete halt. There was no heavenly voice thundering from the rain clouds overhead that tripped me up. There was just that still, small, Holy Spirit voice inside me that said, "Really? You think this day is all about you? This isn't about you. This is about your daughter."

This was my Discover Jesus moment of the day.

I had no sooner stopped than I found myself turning around and walking back into my daughters house. Without knocking, I barged right in and exclaimed, "Well, I have nothing going on this afternoon, so show me your dust cloth and let me get started." And that is exactly what happened.

While she swept, I dusted. While she brought in firewood, I straightened stuff up. She fixed lunch. We both ate. Then we both sat on the living room floor folding clothes and sorting socks. By 2:30 we were done. I came home. She had the rest of the afternoon to do whatever she decided to do, but the house was straightened up, kitchen swept, and the clothes folded. She could take a big breath and relax a little.

Jesus is so good. He blessed us both with a rare afternoon together--an afternoon that eased my daughter's stress, and filled my hours with delight.

So, that is where and how Jesus revealed himself to me today. How about you.

Looking forward to what tomorrow may will bring. It will probably be a sick teenager for the day.

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