Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Today's Discover Jesus Moment #3

Today's Discover Jesus Moment came when I realized he showed himself after Bible study last Wednesday. Yes, I have to admit I am a little slow at times, but almost a week slow? Wake up girl.

Most people had left the church and I was sitting alone at my table waiting for a friend to bring me some books from her car. Next thing I knew a lady came over, sat down, and said, "Hi." We know each other as acquaintances. We used to attend the same church before she changed. We didn't see each other for years, that is until I changed churches; and we discovered we are now in the same congregation again. She is a wonderful mother (and foster mother) who has an unbelievable family. I have always liked her.

"How is your husband doing?" she asked. Of course I answered her as best I could, all the time wondering why she was interested. It didn't take long to discover that her family had a similar experience with a young man living in their home. Thankfully he was discovered before any actual molestation had taken place. She talked about the disbelief, the pain, the fear, the concern, and more. I listened. She, too, understands that the Lord can use this experience for his good, the family's good, and hopefully for the young man's good.

I hurt for her and her family. I felt helpless. I told her I was so sorry she had to go through all the upheaval and pain. I prayed with her. I told her she could talk to me any time. After fifteen to twenty minutes we parted ways.

Well, this morning I watched a movie, The Fifth Quarter, with my sick granddaughter. It tells the story of a family coping with the loss of a teenage son in a tragic car accident. As I watched the agony of the movie family, I began thinking about how I still have rough times even though I experienced no physical death of a loved one. One thought turned into another until I began wondering what, why, how all over again. Then came the question I've asked myself for years, "How will God ever use me, use it, use my family?

That is when the Discover Jesus Moment occurred. Here it is, almost a week after my Bible study experience, and I just now begin to realize the conversation last week was no accident. My sister in Christ needed someone to talk to, someone who understood her pain, someone who would not judge. Jesus knew her needs because he is in the knowing business. Wednesday he chose me to help meet her needs. That is how he works. How cool is that.

Jesus knows our needs, our hearts, our prayers. He knows how to handle them all. He might choose to use you, me, someone, or something else. But this is certain, he will choose whomever he pleases. If you are anything like me, you might not even know it until much later--if ever.

Oh he is good.


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