Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Two Hours of Blessing

I have just spent two hours being blessed by the presence of one of my teenage granddaughters. As she poured out her passionate heart and unbelievable mind, I sat in awe and wonder. Beneath all her teenage angst, uncertainties, hopes, dreams, and joys is such a strong young woman with a passion for God, and an unwavering faith which completely believes that God is in control; and trusts him.

Even though things that happen in her or her friends' lives may not make sense at times she understands that when God closes one door, he opens another. She also completely understands that the good and the not-to-good, the highs and the lows, the understandable and the inexplicable can all used by God to grow us into whom he wants us to be. These are not things I told her, these are what she told me as we discussed school, friends, social networking, and teenage life in general; and she is just a kid!

She also shared her excitement about going to Winter Camp, a weekend retreat for youth from churches around the district. Something she said made me do a mental double take and examine how I prepare for church retreats. Here is what I do: pack my bag and check it twice to make sure I have my toothbrush and my Bible.  Oh yes, notebook and paper. And don't forget the pillow.

Here is what my granddaughter is doing. She is focusing in on God through prayer and Bible reading because she wants to be ready to receive whatever he might have for her at that retreat. Knowing her, she will probably forget her toothbrush, but will experience a touch from God.

And that is all I have to share--just an incredible two hours in the presence of a kid, my granddaughter, who once again reminded me that God is always in control; and he is doing wonderful work in her life. She is being totally blessed. In addition, she is fulfilling God's will for us all. She is truly being a blessing.

Oh Lord, your are great, and your mercies endure for ever. I praise and thank you. Amen.

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