Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sounds That Blessed

I love the sound of water. A babbling brook, roaring river, cascading waterfall, pounding surf, and splatting rain display the marvels of nature, each in its own distinct way. I love the sound of water. Except...except when it is the result of a dripping faucet, leaking roof, faulty toilet, or broken pipe.

I thought yesterday was going to be one of those "except" days. I had been to town and back. It was one of those drizzle-with-chance-of-rain days. After parking in the garage, I grabbed my bag of groceries from the car, scurried across the road to get the mail, and was scurrying back to the house, in the drizzle, when I heard an unusual sound---gushing water. It wasn't rain. It definitely wasn't drizzle. WHAT IN THE WORLD!

I quickly glanced at the pump house, but no water was coming from there. Deciding there must be a broken pipe in the garden area, I took my groceries into the kitchen and headed back outside to investigate. I hoped for the best but expected the worst. "Now, what was the name of the plumber I called a few years ago?" I heard the hum of the heat pump. That definitely wasn't the water I could hear in the distance. So I trudged on, listening, wondering, figuring out. The farther away from the house I got, the louder the sound became and the wetter my sandal clad feet got. Then an amazing thing happened. It got absolutely quiet. Not a sound could be heard, no gush, no splat, not even a drizzle. WHAT?

I looked around, saw nothing unusual, so slowly walked on. All of a sudden the air was once again filled with the sound of gushing water. Wait!. What sounded like water wasn't water at all. The trees around me were filled with hundreds of birds singing their hearts out. They weren't chirping, tweeting, screeching or hooting. They were each singing a chirring sound, but their combined voices sounded like bubbling, then gushing water.

I could never identify them. They were too hidden. I could only discern their movement in the tree tops. Whatever they were, they blessed me. I love the sound of water, especially when it is coming from the birds.

Be blessed,


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