Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Post in The Works is No Post at All

I have a post written (more or less), but am having trouble saying what I want to say in a manner that makes sense to someone other than myself. So far I have not been successful. Maybe tomorrow.

Until then, I will sit out the present storm. The rain is coming down in buckets and the wind is roaring. According to a weather site, we are having sustained winds of 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph. I have several jugs of water on the counter and a small flashlight in my pocket. I am ready if we lose power.

Tomorrow morning I am headed to my son's house for my birthday breakfast celebration. That should be fun. It will be followed by a noon luncheon meeting and a 3:30 basketball game. Oh what a busy schedule!!!

The blog post that isn't posted yet deals with the question, "Are the acts we do in secret, i.e. giving, helping, etc., done for Jesus or with Jesus?" I'll let you think about that while I do the same.

Have a great evening.

Jan and Licorice Kitty, who hasn't ventured outside at all today--truly a fair weather cat. She knows a good thing when she has it.

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