Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fighting Those Kerplop Days

Monday Tuesday noon, February 25, 2014

The days of the week all seem to blend together around here. At least for me they do. Monday drifted off somewhere without even saying goodbye, and Tuesday arrived unannounced sometime during the night. This is Tuesday isn't it?

Days keeps falling from the branches of 2014--week after week, one day at a time, like leaves. Some spin dizzily, some soar beautifully, some drift peacefully, and some just go kerplop. I seem to be in a kerplop season that has spinning or soaring or drifting days interspersed, but not often.

Spinning days with a full schedule of events or a minute-by-minute to-do list are fun. Although both energizing and tiring at the same time, they are days well spent. At least for me they are.

Soaring days consist of deep breaths of fresh air, no matter how much moisture it has. They are days of sensing the beauty of creation, the colors and shapes and aromas and textures. They bring awe of life, everything from slugs and elk to the people on the street and my grand-kids. Soaring days bring time with family and close friends. Those days I experience God at work around me.

Drifting days are sleeping in and/or staying up late, reading a book, thinking and wondering, eating whenever and whatever, even taking a nap if I so choose. I enjoy every minute of the peace and quiet.

Then there are the kerplop days: my humdrum state of mind days. Those are the times I withdraw from the world. Nothing is planned or scheduled. My senses shut down to the world around me. I do nothing at all, and feel guilty the entire time. It is the guilty feeling that makes my kerplop days different from from the rest. Those are the days I realize that depression still wants me in its strangle hold.

Kerplop days are existing days, not living days.They are days spent alone because they weren't started with God. Every means of communication he attempts are ignored. His quiet voice of reassurance and comfort, his plans for the day, his teaching and correction all are for naught. So, the days go kerplop.

That is not in God's plan. Days like that need to be fought until the breath of the Spirit picks them up and sends them spinning (even if just a single twist), sends them soaring (even if for a short time) or lets them drift peacefully (without any feelings of guilt on my part).

I don't want a kerplop-day existence. I desire spinning and soaring days of life as well as drifting, quiet, rest-filled, guilt-free days.

Breathe on Me, Breath of God
  1. Breathe on me, Breath of God,
  1. Fill me with life anew,
  1. That I may love what Thou dost love,
  1. And do what Thou wouldst do.
Edwin Hatch, 1878  
Jan and Licorice Kitty (She has gone from being a house guest to thinking she runs the place)

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