Sunday, February 9, 2014

Snow Attack Cat

SNOW! Not much fell over night, maybe an inch or so. That might not have been much compared to what other parts of the state received, but everything I could see was certainly beautiful. The porch, the steps, and the concrete area between the house and garage were covered with untouched whiteness. So were the trees, the roofs, crocuses, and roads.

To be totally accurate, everything was not untouched. A couple cars had driven down the road, and some critter, probably a neighborhood cat, had jumped onto the porch, walked across it, then exited down the steps, across the concrete and into the great white beyond. Defiled snow makes me sad.

Then I let Licorice out. She wasn't so sure about anything at first, stepping gingerly with one little foot, then the other. After each step she would turn and look at me as if to say, "Stay right there. I might want back in real soon." I obliged.

Once all four feet of her feet were acclimated to the cold, fluffy snow, and her paw prints were intermingled with the intruder's, she started batting the snow around--a little here, a little there. Then, all at once, she jumped a couple feet into the air and came down in attack mode. Snow went here. Snow went there. Snow was a-flying as she jumped, rolled, flicked, and batted. Once every single flake was rearranged, she trotted back up the steps with tail held high, crossed the porch, and meowed a very clear, "OK, I'm done playing. Let me in now." I did. (I don't think she even said, "Please.")

I had no idea that one little Licorice Kitty could mess up so much pristine snow in a matter of seconds. The initial sadness caused by the defilement of  MY snow quickly turned to glee as Licorice played with complete abandonment. Another cat's paw prints are nothing compared to the utter chaos created by my cat's snow attack. What a great way to start a day.

It is now three in the afternoon. It is warming up outside, and a gentle rain has begun. The only snow in sight is on the lawn and in the fields. The rest has melted and soaked into the ground: God's way of preparing his world for spring,

Enjoy your day,

Jan and Licorice Kitty.

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