Friday, February 21, 2014

With or For Jesus

Finally, I have finished this post. It has taken me a week, but here it is.

As I thought about different sections of my Bible study last week, I kept coming back to a question generated by Beth Moore's video study Sacred Secrets. It wasn't a question she asked us, but one I asked myself. I wondered when I secretly help others, whether financially or by actions, am I doing them for Jesus or with Jesus? With or for? For or with?

What is the difference between the two?

Why this was such a difficult question to answer, I have no idea, but it was? I finally had to ask myself what it means to do something FOR someone. I finally came up with two answers. One reason is to aid someone who is having trouble doing something for himself--pay a bill, fix a meal, clean a home, teach a child. The other reason is to act on behalf of another, in their place. That is what a bond-servant does, acts in behalf of his master, and in his authority. That's you and me, bond-servants of Christ. As we walk out our Christian walk, live our lives with renewed hearts and minds, we act and speak for Christ, and pray we serve Him well.

One day when I stopped by my daughter's house and ended up helping her sort socks, I acted for Jesus without knowing it. I just did what I do--help out.

But acting WITH Jesus goes beyond that. It is a step beyond being a "good Christian". It is more than doing what I think is the right thing to do at the time.  It is not thinking back over my day and thinking, Wow, God was definitely in that encounter this afternoon. It is knowing, even before anything happens, that Jesus is about to touch someone through you.

Acting WITH Christ is rejoicing with Him and saying, Wow, Lord, you were awesome. Thanks for letting me come along. It is intentionally living each day with Him. It is spending time each day listening to what Jesus wants us to do together, then going out the door together, answering the phone together, reading together.  It is walking hand-in-hand with Jesus, and blessing people who cross our path. It is not "me" doing anything. It is "us" doing everything He desires.

Here is the irony of the original question as to doing something for or with Jesus. There is not only a "with" answer or a "for" answer. There is a "yes" answer.

A 'yes' answer to a two part question used to drive me crazy. My husband was great at it. "Would you like orange or grape juice for breakfast?"

"Yes!" What kind of an answer it that?

Or consider this example, "The kids need to be picked up from track practice. Were you planning to get them, or do you want me to go?"


For some reason or other, I never broke myself of the habit of asking two part questions, and he never quit answering with his standard answer that told me nothing. It became a standing joke between us. So I had to chuckle to myself when I decided that there was a third answer to the Jesus question. That answer was, YES.

Let me explain my answer. Upon leaving the house for a basketball game the other evening, I prayed that I would do what Jesus would do in the coming events. You see, I had a car full of giggling teenagers on board. We made a quick stop at Burger King to pick up BOGO burgers before leaving town. As I stood in line waiting to order, I struck up a conversation with a grungy guy behind me. He was getting a cup of coffee and trying to warm up (it was freezing outside).

He got his coffee and seated himself in a booth while the kids and I headed out to the car with our food. As I looked at my burger, fries, and drink I thought, I don't need all this food. I ate something before leaving the house. So I picked up the burger, got out of the car, and headed back inside while the kids yelled, "Where ya goin' Nana?"

I hurried to the coffee-drinking gentleman's table, handed him the food, and said, "Enjoy." As I turned away, he grabbed my hand, thanked me, stood up, and kissed my cheek. I said, "Be blessed." Then I ran back to the car.

Giving food to a thankful man, was not only doing something WITH Jesus, it was also doing something FOR Jesus.
Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’."

After I returned to the car, I had to make a tough decision. Do I tell the kids what I had done? Part of our Bible study had dealt with doing things quietly, without recognition, in secret. 
“Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven. Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.[a] Matthew 6:1-4 says.New King James Version (NKJV)

The joy of blessing someone with a burger was a great high-five Jesus moment. The amazement on the man's face was my reward in the open. But do I answer my passengers' question. I did--not for reward or praise, but because it was a teaching moment. I told them about praying to do what Jesus wanted me to do. I told them I felt a deep urging to give my burger away. I told them I really wanted to eat it, but needed to give it away out of obedience.

"Cool, Nana" a granddaughter said.

Did I do it with Jesus or for Jesus?  YES!

My you day be filled with JESUS YESES.

Jan and Licorice Kitty

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