Thursday, April 17, 2014

Comforting Peanut Butter

Comfort foods are not anything I give much thought to--mainly because they take work to prepare. Be that as it may, I still absolutely love creamy, buttery, mashed potatoes. They are the best. Then, if there is a dark, rich, roast beef gravy to add to the little well on top of the tater pile, or a scrumptious chicken/turkey gravy, all the better. I even enjoy creamed tuna or creamed chipped beef (childhood staple) as a topping, but I will settle for butter.

Warm cornbread with honey butter is another favorite of mine. Do I make it? No. To make the perfect cornbread meal, just add a bowl of hot, homemade, chili con carne--spicy of course. Aaaah. Good stuff.

Then there is a turkey sandwich with cranberries, dressing, lettuce, and mayo. I could eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner until there is no more turkey left. There is nothing better. Well, there is homemade turkey soup, though.

As much as I love all these foods, I prepare them  only for special occasions.How sad it that? But, I have discovered a new comfort food, one that takes no prep-time at all, one that I have enjoyed almost every day for the past month, and one that is high in salt, calories, and hydrogenated fats. Peanut butter.

In the past, I always  bought natural, stir until your arm drops off, peanut butter. But one day while craving something to snack on, I discovered a jar of the no-no, bad for you kind of peanut butter. I succumbed mainly because the spread was quickly approaching its use-by date. I couldn't let it go to waste could I? Of course not. All it took was one, big teaspoonful and I was hooked. That peanut butter was so creamy, so tasty, so soothing, and so comforting that I had to get a second spoonful. Now, a month and a jar later, my teaspoon has become a tablespoon, and my waste-not motto is probably causing added inches around my waist. (I just checked. All is A-OK in the waist area. Whew)

So, there you have it, my story of comfort food as well as instant gratification. As much as I do enjoy that spoonful of peanutty goodness, I must remember where my true comfort comes from. It comes not from food, but from the one who heals the sick, makes the blind see and the lame walk, raises the dead, casts out demons, feeds the hungry, and calms the storms. He, my Lord and Savior, is also my comforter. My true comforter. But, I still enjoy my peanut butter...and mashed potatoes...and....

Off to a track meet in the rain. Go Team.

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