Monday, April 21, 2014

He Arose. I Ate.

Good Friday has come and gone. I had a couple ideas to post, but wasn't sure if I had used them before, so didn't use any of them. Our family Easter celebration on Saturday came and went. Again, another day with no post. So, I was going to write yesterday, Easter itself, but didn't. I had a very different day instead.

I decided to attend the Easter service at my previous church. I used to play in the hand bell choir there, and wanted to hear them play during worship. I had not been back for six years. There were quite a few people in attendance I hadn't seen since leaving that congregation. There were also many people I had never seen before. I had never met the new pastor either.

Going back into a form of worship that is complete different from my present church was sort of a distraction. I am no longer used to an organ, hand bells, sung liturgy, and hymnbooks. I felt bad, and guilty, because I really had to work to concentrate on celebrating my holy, all-powerful God who raised his crucified son from the tomb. For the first time in years I didn't raise my hands in praise; I needed both hand to hold the heavy hymnal.

As I just wrote that last sentence, I realize I didn't have to use the book. I could have sung the verses I knew, and listed to the rest.

Worship might have been a different style than I am now used to, but the people were the same. We shared lots of hugs, greetings, and brief conversations about our now-adult children and almost-adult grandchildren. That part was wonderful. They made me feel right at home.

Immediately after church a friend of mine who lives about a mile from my home asked if I had plans for the afternoon. I told her I was going home and doing a lot of nothing. As it turned out, she, her husband, and a friend were having a ham dinner at two o'clock. "Why not join us?" she asked. "Sounds good." I replied. With a cheery, "See you later." she headed home.

Then I did something completely different for me. I succumbed to pressure and stayed after church for a small, noon, Easter potluck to celebrate the baptism of a women I didn't know. As a result I got more visiting in, and met new people including the pastor.  I really enjoyed myself as well as the baked chicken, ham, and numerous salads.

Then I headed for home and my dinner date with my friend. There I enjoyed another wonderful meal: ham, yams, broccoli, deviled eggs, and fresh strawberries and tea. It was wonderful. Then my friend and I had an enjoyable time getting caught up on our busy lives.

I was finally home by five. My tummy was quite full, my spirit joy-filled, a my Lord risen.


Jan and Licorice Kitty

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