Friday, April 25, 2014

Heavenly Service Center

I am sitting in a tire shop eating popcorn, drinking coffee, and waiting for my tires to be rotated and balanced. Well, not my tires--my car's tires. My tire, the spare one around my waist, can't be rotated or balanced. It only jiggles, and that is if, and only if, I jump. That is why I don't jump. Well, I do jump if I hear someone say dessert is served, I guess that is why I have a spare tire in the first place. In fact, I can even hear, "dessert is served" when those words are still a thought in someone's mind.

The last time I was here, I remember watching cars zip past and wondering what was happening in the lives of the drivers--what was going on in their minds. That is not the case today.

Today I am reading all the ads and store information posted on the walls, info such as: free written warranty, appointments available, free lifetime care. hundreds of locations to serve you. That is all well and good for my car, but what about me? What kind of care, warranties, and locations are available for me.

Let me tell you about Heavenly Service Center. First off, no appointments are ever necessary. No matter how serious my problem is, or how much I just want to talk to the management, I can go right in, stay as long as I want, and return with peace of mind knowing that all is taken care of. In addition, locations are easy to find. They are everywhere I go--in my car, at my kitchen sink, in my chair, at the beach, and, of course, in a special building I go to with other faithful Heavenly Service Center people.

While my car's tire service center is limited on what it can do for my car, the Heavenly Service Center takes care of everything from rattles and dents left from old injuries to today's overheated emotions. There are so many areas they take care of that it's all written down in a book instead of a sheet of paper with "Warranty" in fancy lettering written across the top . There are the dos and don'ts that ensure a lifetime of trouble-free operation. things like keeping the Sabbath day holy, forgiving others, loving all, and not stealing, lying, or committing adultery to name a few. The book is also filled with testimonies of hundreds of people who have experienced the wonderful care, intervention and protection available thorough the Heavenly Service Center. And, it's free.

The Father-Son operation also has Holy Spirit as a right-hand man to oversee everything as well as a multitude of heavenly workers and messengers. I understand the workers have an amazing choir that performs at very special events. It wasn't that long ago they made a special appearance outside Bethlehem, Israel to make an announcement to some shepherds. Amazing.

Best of all is their Blood of the Lamb soul wash. No matter how dirty you are when you go in, under their special care and ministry, you come out without stain or blemish, ready to hit the road. Again, amazing.

I highly recommend the Heavenly Service Center and its Blood of the Lamb soul wash. Drop by or call for a clean up, tune up, and new start on life. They can be reached at "Our Father who art in heaven"

I am off for a women's retreat this weekend, so won't be writing again until Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.

Jan and Licorice Kitty

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