Thursday, August 9, 2012

Adventure in Randomness

Are you ready for an adventure in randomness? Well, I am.  So here is what's happening on my blog today.  I have a schedule made for my house work, including time frames.  For example, from 9-10 I dusted and decluttered the dressers and night stands in my bedroom, watered the plants, stalked elusive cobwebs, threw out receipts that were stashed on a cute basket on a dresser, put away my "outdoor" work clothes, and emptied the bathroom trash.  That was all finished by 9:45.  Hooray.

So, for the 15 minutes I have left, I will write about whatever comes to mind before my 10-10:30 time slot when I will attack the master bath.

Here goes the first few minutes of randomness.

Randomness #1      I'm listening to Watch the Birdie on USTREAM on my laptop like I do every day.  This is what Bibi, the African Gray Parrot, is saying at the moment.

Kelly's cooking    Tortilla     Cook fish     Potato     What's a chip?
Let's see Jane     Jane's a puppy  (Jane is not a puppy, she is a human cousin.  Her puppy is Loki)
Here you go Beebs     Put it right there
Go on road trip     See ya later
Want a berry     Nutrafaber (Brand of bird food)
Want to go outside?
Gold fish     It's rice     Tortilla
I want to step up
Drink some water     Eat your grape
Doooo, doooo, doooo, doooo.  (Bibi sings often)

There you have it.  My first minutes of randomness.  Now, to mop the bathroom, swish the toilet, and clean under the bathroom sink.

Randomness #2   When I was mowing the yard last week I noticed a couple blue feathers in the grass. I assume they are from the Stellar Jays that love sitting in my trees and scolding me when I walk underneath. Yesterday I noticed a couple more blue feathers in my driveway. Now, when I went out to get the mail, I counted the new feathers.  Five was the total--five beautiful flight feathers.  I tell you they are flight feathers because they aren't the little downy feathers like the ones you find stuck on your kitchen window when a bird hits it, or the ones scattered around the porch after the feral cat in the area hunted down a slow bird. The feathers around my yard are definitely the long, strong flight feathers that are shed during the molting season.  So I guess my object lesson for the day is "Out with the old, in with the new."

On to the dusting, de-cobwebbing, and vacuuming of bedroom number 2.

Randomness #3   Who are Alice White, Colleen Moore, and Lloyd Hughes? Well, I've never met nor seen them, but their photographs are hanging on the guest room wall.  I just dusted them. The only thing I know about those people is they were Hollywood "movie stars" who worked for Paramount Studio in the era of black and white films. That is also the time my husband's aunt supervised Paramount's switchboard operation. These silent screen stares who autographed their photos for Aunt Claire stare out at me every time I dust them. Now, almost 90 years after their pictures were taken, they are still captured in black and white and still silent. Their silence is ironic because not one of these stars successfully made the transition into talking movies.  There must be a lesson here somewhere.  Maybe it is, "Be quick to listen, slow to speak..."

There is a spot on my hall carpet that I am tackling next.  Wish me luck.

The spot came out much easier than I thought it would.  I think I should do a happy dance. If only I had some music playing right now.

Randomness #4    Never, never, never squeeze your hand under the washer and dryer to see what is there! YIKES.  Here is what I found:
1.  Lint--lots and lots of lint
2.  A wad of chewed bubble gum.  I think that is what it was.  It was pink anyway, and linty
3.  Several pieces of gravel
4.  A door stop.  I wondered where that had gone.
5.  A screw driver bit that disappeared into thin air several years ago.

I know there is a lesson here.  You never know what you will find when you take the time to clean out the places you have been ignoring for years. Sure, you will find garbage, junk, or lint to discard, but you may also find something that you thought you had lost forever.  And I am not talking about the physical realm.

It is now time for lunch.  I still have my afternoon chores, tasks, jobs, adventure, or whatever they are ahead of me, but that is all the randomness on the blog for today.  I will continue writing for the fun of it.  Who knows, maybe tomorrow I will let you discover more about what my crazy brain did and where it went this afternoon.

I've had fun.  I hope you did too.

Have a God rest of your day.  I plan to.

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