Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Morning at McDonalds

9:30 Tuesday Morning

Here I sit at McDonalds deciding what to write today.  I have accomplished what I set out to do when I was making plans last night. I planned to get up reasonably early, if you call 7 o'clock reasonably early and wash my hair. That didn't go exactly as predetermined. What should have been easy, wasn't. You see, I had my granddaughters here for a couple days. That should explain why my shampoo was practically gone--not completely gone, just practically gone. I had forgotten about teenage girls, showers, and hair.

Anyway, I finally got my hair washed,  then I packed up my granddaughters' stuff that they had left here (clothes, make up, books, blankets, pillows, hair bands). My plan was to take that stuff to their house and have them lug the piles from my car into their rooms. Off I drove.  Then, as the kids say these days, "Fail." No one was home.

You have got to be kidding.  Seven-thirty AM and no one is home.  Vacation Bible School doesn't start until 9:00.Where in the world could they be?  They were at the school because one of the girls was working out at the gym before VBS. You have got to be kidding!

That meant that I made several trips from the car to the house with bags of stuff and an armload of bedding. For your information, it is quite a challenge to maneuver ones way up stairs that have 2 dogs, 1 chicken, and 1 duck standing there welcoming you with quacking, clucking, and barking, but not moving out of your way. Thankfully, I did make it up the stairs and back down several times without breaking my neck.

With that accomplished, I stopped at my son's house to feed 5 fish, 4 cats, and 2 rabbits.  They should be back this afternoon from camping. They, meaning my son's family.  The animals didn't leave. Well, the dog did leave with the family, but the rest were just hanging out at home. Then, when all the critters were fed and watered, I come into town, parked myself here at McDonalds with a cup of coffee and a sausage-egg McMuffin to make a list of what I have to get done before I head off for Hawaii in a couple weeks.

That is done.  Hooray.  The list is made. The jobs are do-able, and I'm ready for a nap.  Just kidding.

Now I will write my blog, then head home.  No, before I head over the bridge toward home I must stop at the gas station.  I need to get gas for the mower and fill up the car while I'm at it. Then, finally, at last, I will head home.

It feels good to be set for the week.  I know exactly what needs to be done, when I am going to do it, and I have the supplies I need to get the work done. All is wonderful.

There is only one problem with all this planning stuff.  Life happens and things don't go as anticipated.  I'm OK with that. Planning is the fun part.

Now for my blog, it has written itself, so I'm off to get gas.

Have a God day everyone.  I know I will.

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